Depression as a Spiritual Journey

Depression as a Spiritual Journey

This the first book to address depression as a spiritual journey.It serves as an invitation to reframe depression in a new way.

Depression as a Spiritual Journey

This the first book to address depression as a spiritual journey.It serves as an invitation to reframe depression in a new way.

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Sep 25, 2009

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Jun 1, 2012

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Stephanie June Sorrell
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Counseling, Emotions, Jungian


Depression as a Spiritual Journey is the first book to address depression as a spiritual journey in the context of medication and counselling. It serves as an invitation to reframe depression in a new way. Many people resist embracing medication as part of the healing process. Others confuse emotional and mental dis-ease. What is the difference between melancholia and clinical depression? Why do people today suffer from an assortment of depressions rather than good old- fashioned melancholia? What is the difference between psychosis and depression, or the dark night of the soul and depression? What criteria do we use to make these distinctions? Stephanie Sorrell defines some of these distinctions and unearths many of our mindsets that shape our ambivalent attitude to depression. More than anything, Stephanie validates depression as a valuable and integral part of the journey with all its gains, losses and insight. She does not provide easy answers, but encourages the reader to face the very real challenge of working with depression as a spiritual guide and teacher.

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