Play the Game

Play the Game

If Life is a game, then this book contains the practical tools and exercises you need to help you really enjoy it.

Play the Game

If Life is a game, then this book contains the practical tools and exercises you need to help you really enjoy it.

Paperback £9.99 || $19.95

Aug 28, 2009

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Corinne Williams
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Games & activities (general), Personal growth (general)


Play the Game just might be the lost User’s Guide to the biggest, most challenging game you ever came to play. Humorous and down-to-earth, it includes practical exercises and tips to help you make the most of your life, create the game you really want to play and live in a lighter, more positive and authentic way. You are the main character in this book; it’s your own story that provides the best material and you decide what happens next. Life-changing stuff? It just might be. Play on.

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