What My Doctors Didn't Tell Me About Cancer
We need to be self-advocates because, as amazing as modern medicine is, it focuses on narrow and biased fields.
We need to be self-advocates because, as amazing as modern medicine is, it focuses on narrow and biased fields.
We need to be self-advocates because, as amazing as modern medicine is, it focuses on narrow and biased fields.
Healing, Healing (general), Health care issues
This is the story of one man who continues to live a happy and active lifestyle while living with cancer.
Describing the many aspects of his regimen, what author Brian Holley calls MEDS: Mindfulness, Exercise, Diet, Support, What My Doctors Didn't Tell Me About Cancer includes helpful practices and references full of information and support.
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In what is a truly uplifting and mega-positive read, and from start to finish, What My Doctors Didn’t Tell Me About Cancer by author Brian C. Holley is not only one told in a thoughtful and relaxed manner, but Holley himself has been living with cancer himself for an incredible fourteen years. Having faced multiple struggles throughout his life, let alone his battle with cancer, what shines through in abundance is his uber-positive attitude, his never-wavering desire to bolster his lifestyle, to accommodate the situation he found himself in, rather than to give in wholly to it and wallow. Indeed, the cancer has taught him how to integrate bodily, psychic and emotional aspects of his being. This comes through within broad prose brush strokes here, for they have been expressed as best he can, given the stage of things that he is currently at. In short, it shows us all how developing a positive attitude to having cancer—well, anything at all that seems to be darkening our mental door, I guess—makes good sense all around. It also shows us that it is mighty beneficial to reach out to the right people to support us and to reciprocate, of course. ~ Exclusive Magazine, Review
Very inspiring! ~ Spiritual Media Blog, Review
What My Doctors Didn't Tell Me About Cancer by Brian C. Holley was a hugely positive and uplifting read for me as I am currently caring for someone with an advanced stage of the disease. Had I not been in such a position, I very likely would have passed this title by, but sometimes, we are given just what we need at exactly the right time. Mr Holley has been living with cancer for an astounding fourteen years, and though he has faced numerous struggles, his positive outlook and never-wavering desire to adjust his lifestyle to accommodate rather than fight this disease has been largely beneficial to his overall well-being, both physically and mentally. His thoughtful and relaxed conversational style provides much food for thought, and I plan to explore further many of his suggestions, particularly regarding diet, supplements, and exercise. I wish the author all of the best in his continuing journey and hope that, by sharing his experience and findings, many will benefit. ~ Andrea Pole (Reviewer) , Netgalley
As a carer of a recently diagnosed cancer patient, I found so much in this book that makes good sense in all aspects of this illness. Perhaps most importantly, developing a positive attitude and where to find the right support that best suits you. No better example of this than Brian himself. ~ E. Webster, carer
Brian Holley charts a harrowing, courageous and informative course in this compelling book about living with cancer. His personal tale is more than a critique of the established medical system. He offers insight, encouragement and hope to those willing to take charge of their own health. Of course, this does not mean ignoring one’s doctors. It means intelligently consulting various traditions and experts who treat the whole person. Brian does not lay down a specific path for those facing a medical crisis, but rather, an approach to dealing with chronic disease with openness and grace. ~ Tim Ward, author of Indestructible You: Building a Self that Can’t Be Broken
Brian Holley has written a fascinating and entertaining account of his own difficult journey with the health system in the UK. He has explored many alternatives to the traditional allopathic treatments and dives into the new science which is showing the veracity and effectiveness of many holistic therapies that have been practiced down the centuries. Written with a light and deft touch, Holley explains his MEDS regimen for cancer (Mind, Exercise, Diet, Support).and gives helpful practices to aid the reader. A helpful and insightful read for anyone diagnosed with or supporting someone with cancer. ~ Revd Don MacGregor, author of Blue Sky God: The Evolution of Science and Christianity
Brian Holley’s attitude in treating cancer cells as friends that need to be healed, rather than enemies to be attacked is revolutionary. It flies in the face of the allopathic treatments offered in most western hospitals. He provides readers with a cornucopia of choices available to either support chemo and radiation, or as alternative treatments. It takes much work and experimentation to discover what works for each of us, but the improved quality of life this alternative road offers is indisputable. Brian’s book provides a path for new hope and life in the face of despair. ~ Kirsten Ebsen, Cancer patient