9 Days to Heaven

9 Days to Heaven

The antidote to today’s epidemic of fear and confusion, this soul journey into God’s presence brings relief, healing and revitalization.

9 Days to Heaven

The antidote to today’s epidemic of fear and confusion, this soul journey into God’s presence brings relief, healing and revitalization.

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May 31, 2006

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Nov 30, 2012

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Teresa O'Driscoll
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Personal growth, Spirituality, Youth


9 Days To Heaven (a timely journey into the soul) is the antidote to today's epidemic of fear and confusion, and the rarest of books in the Christian marketplace as, although firmly rooted in the Bible, it eschews the use of theological jargon which is sometimes a barrier.

Its simplicity makes it accessible to those who, through the smokescreen of disappointment or unfamiliarity, would not otherwise draw close to God's healing presence. These include:

* The great number of people who are not spiritually developed enough to cope with life's inevitable challenges
* Youths and young adults who naturally have little experience of God
* Those that have no experience of God.

Based on Revelation 3:20 'Behold I stand at the door and knock' it answers the burning life question: 'What's it all about?' Illustrations and everyday items, such as a stone or herbs, transport the reader into the realms of the Divine. There, in nine refreshing 15 minute personal-growth-steps issues, such as despair and panic, trampled dreams and low self-esteem, are addressed in dialogue with God. Through this intimate connection the reader glimpses heaven and tastes immortality. Walking thus, hand in hand with God daily, they are empowered to fulfil their destiny!

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