Traditional Witchcraft and the Path to the Mysteries
Examines the elusive path to the Mysteries and what any seeker (not necessarily a witch) will be required to understand should they wish to start out on the quest
Examines the elusive path to the Mysteries and what any seeker (not necessarily a witch) will be required to understand should they wish to start out on the quest
Examines the elusive path to the Mysteries and what any seeker (not necessarily a witch) will be required to understand should they wish to start out on the quest
Traditional Witchcraft and the Path to the Mysteries, the sixth and last in the Traditional Witchcraft series, is a voyage of discovery and, as with every journey, it is essential that we understand where we are now and where we want to be. We need proper direction unlike that popular old Irish saying: “If I wanted to be going there, I wouldn’t be starting from here!” So let us make our preparations, put our house in order, and begin our journey of exploration and self-discovery. As with all stages of Life there are friends and acquaintances to consider: the essence of some we will take with us – the rest we will leave behind. But as the genii from Where the Rainbow Ends says: “Time is short, and we have far to travel.”
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Traditional Witchcraft and the Path to the Mysteries I admit I didn’t initially realise there was an order to the Traditional Witchcraft series and read this one first, yet despite that fact it gave me a lot of head nodding and confirmation to the beliefs and ideas that had been forming inside me from all the other books I have been reading. It was as if finally there was a book that helped put it more succinctly and make sense of the various threads I had been gathering. EA (Aust) ~ Eve Ambrose, Coven of the Scales
This is the sixth and last book in a series on modern traditional witchcraft as seen and interpreted by the author. As with the earlier books, it is nature orientated but attempts to explore and discuss the subject at a deeper level. Draco says 'witchcraft is not a religion yet it has a highly defined spiritual element'. Your reviewer would go further and say for many modern traditional witches it is primarily a magical and gnostic path whose goal is spiritual enlightenment. At times the book suffers from a common problem found in others in the genre of making dogmatic and generalised assertions without accepting traditional witchcraft is a broad church. For instance your reviewer would query the claim that in the 'traditional British Old Craft' the Greek goat foot god Pan has 'become truly embedded....(page 68), especially Draco claims as a form of the Horned One and the latter belongs firmly to modern Wicca ! Anyway it is up to the individual reader to decide if Melusine Draco has successfully presented her form of traditional witchcraft as a path to the Mysteries or not. ~ The Cauldron, May 2015
"This book, the final book in the series packs an impact, it is as if this book was personally written and directed at myself and my own personal and spiritual journey and my own path to the mysteries. You can tell that the author has navigated the journey personally and the landscape of going deeper and as such is qualified to guide seekers further. It was as if as I read, I was sat with the author and she speaking directly to me and my soul and its journey for the last 15 years. The journey is not for the faint hearted, there will be twists and turns, stops and starts, fields of flowers and paths of brambles to navigate and ultimately the descent into the underworld as we journey through the landscape of our soul and to the deeper mysteries and if you are felt worthy the door will swing back open for you, if not the path will take you to the state of being where your soul needs to be for that present time. The author writes "For the traditional witch undergoing initiation into the mystery tradition, its a word associated with a solitary life changing (often life threatening) experience. It represents a true test and that can not be revised for - or cheated at". I had many moment of putting the book down because I could not believe that the author was so spot on and shaking my head with amazement at the synchronistic points referred in the book, even boxing things away and returning to them when the time is needed or completely ridding oneself external things one acquires along the way and you once thought were important. "For many are called but few are chosen.... Initiation into the mysteries is a solitary and personal experience between you and the powers that be as the author states "Initiation in the esoteric sense means recognition that a witch has reached a required level of understanding which indicates that they are ready to submit themselves to being seriously tested on a physical, magical and spiritual level. In the good old days, however it was often said that anyone undergoing mystical initiation came through either enlightened, insane or dead. Well I can attest for one coming back from the brink of madness and the descent within to the darkest and most fearful of places one can possible imagine, being physically, mentally and spiritually ripped apart, death of the old self and the subsequent ascent and rebirth of a new state of being and awareness. One needs to accept that what one once believed in and our faith will be tested and will be over and over again. But as you move forward I agree that you no longer need to follow the path, the path finds you (I never truly left it) They become the path. Traditional Witchcraft and the path to the Mysteries is the sixth and last in the series and is indeed a voyage of discovery and as with every journey, it is essential that we understand where we are now and where we want to be." ~ Kerry Chadwick, Amazon