Pagan Portals - Frigg

Pagan Portals - Frigg

A thoughtful blend of historical research and personal experiences for honoring the Norse goddess Frigg in our modern world.

Pagan Portals - Frigg

A thoughtful blend of historical research and personal experiences for honoring the Norse goddess Frigg in our modern world.

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Jan 26, 2024

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Jan 26, 2024

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Ryan McClain
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Goddess worship, Magick studies, Paganism & neo-paganism


The Norse goddess Frigg is known to have influence over many roles. She is a goddess of marriage and children, but she is also a goddess of fate and cunning. Frigg is a goddess of domestic activities, and she is a goddess of healing. She is a goddess of both love and peace. As the Queen of Asgard, Frigg tends to a court of 12 handmaidens, each having their own distinct qualities. This introductory book examines Frigg’s history, functions, relationships, and ways to honor her in our modern times.

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