Compassion Based Living Course

Compassion Based Living Course

A practical guide to living a compassionate life

Compassion Based Living Course

A practical guide to living a compassionate life

Paperback £15.99 || $17.95

Jan 28, 2025

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Jan 28, 2025

Heather Regan-Addis
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Meditations, Mindfulness & meditation, Spiritual


This book is a practice-based approach to compassion meditation training that equips readers with skills to bring compassion directly into their everyday lives. It sits within the secular mindfulness tradition and is a unique fusion of Buddhist, evolutionary, and psychological approaches to compassion and includes insights from neuroscience. It is based on the authors' experiences over the last decade of training hundreds of people in compassion meditation, including at the Master's degree level. It proceeds gradually, building capacity in stages. It starts with mindfulness and proceeds to self-compassion and then compassion for others, with a final chapter focusing on socially engaged compassion. It is a companion to our earlier successful book, published by O-Books, Mindfulness Based Living Course.

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