Eternal Life Inc.
Only an alcoholic actor, with a contract to die, stands between Earth and an alien invasion from the astral plane.
Only an alcoholic actor, with a contract to die, stands between Earth and an alien invasion from the astral plane.
Only an alcoholic actor, with a contract to die, stands between Earth and an alien invasion from the astral plane.
Action & adventure, Science fiction (general), Visionary & metaphysical
An alien army is crossing the astral planes of the quantum field, snapping up the souls of the recently dead and taking possession of the living. The only one who can stop them is Harry Neuman, a womanizing, alcoholic movie star with his career on the skids and a contract to die again and again. This is Eternal Life Inc., a different kind of science-fiction novel combining physics and metaphysics in a fast-paced adventure about an alien invasion that starts not in outer space but in the inner space of the human mind.
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A new novelist of great promise It's a rare delight to discover a new science fiction writer with a gripping story to tell and the skilled craft to bring it alive. Thank you, James Burkard, for livening up the genre with your fresh talent. Eternal Life Inc. is overflowing with creative energy, characters we believe in and care about, a satisfyingly complex plot full of surprising twists and turns, powerful narrative momentum, authentic emotion, convincing detail, a vividly created world we visit with delight but hope we never live in, all of this in the service of a grand theme: the losing battle each of us must wage against death. Burkard's richly imaginative writing engages all of our senses as well as our mind, and he has a particular gift for ending chapters with a hook that draws us on. And best of all, Eternal Life Inc. is just the beginning. It's book one of the King of the Dead ~ William Hathaway, Amazon, Powell's, Barnes & Noble
Eternal Life Inc. is totally professional popular fiction with irresistible energy and momentum. Usually I am not a science-fiction fan, but Burkard made the story believable, drew me right in, and what is most important and difficult of all, made me care about it. ~ William T. Hathaway, author of Wellsprings: A Fable of Consciousness, Summer Snow and Radical Peace
Reading Eternal Life Inc. has given me much pleasure. From first to last my admiration for it was not in the least diminished. It is very well paced, and the suspense and tension are very effectively sustained throughout the novel. My interest deepened as the mythic or metaphysical undertones became more pronounced. This is quite simply a fine job of writing. ~ Gregory Stephenson, author of Out of the Night and into the Dream, a Thematic Study of the Fiction of J.G. Ballard and Comic Inferno, the Satirical W