Four Guns, The

Four Guns, The

Four guns. Four presidential assassinations. Four potential conspiracies. Four alternate histories. What are the four weapons that changed the course of American history?

Four Guns, The

Four guns. Four presidential assassinations. Four potential conspiracies. Four alternate histories. What are the four weapons that changed the course of American history?

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Oct 29, 2024

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Oct 29, 2024

John Koerner
More books

Modern (general), Social history, United states (general)


What would our country be today if Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy had survived their assassinations? Would this country, and the world we live in today, be better or worse? What if Lincoln and McKinley had lived through their second terms? What if Garfield and Kennedy had completed their four years in office, and gone on to get reelected? 
The Four Guns has three purposes: First, to explain the circumstances surrounding the four assassinations and examine any evidence for possible conspiracy. The second is to trace the history of the four assassination weapons - readers will learn the types of firearms used, how the assassins acquired them, and where they are now - most of this information has never been written about or made public. The third purpose is to examine how American history would have changed if the presidents had survived their assassinations - and to show just how much these four weapons deprived us of a better future.

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