Tim Hardy-Lenik

Tim Hardy-Lenik

Tim (or T) has over a decade of experience affecting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion change in different industries, including international non-governmental organisations, Higher Education, and Information Technology.
Tim is a global leader of inclusion, diversity and equity. currently In addition to his leadership roles, he is also Non-Executive Director at Equality Leaders, and offers his perspective through several committee and board roles.

Tim has served and chaired multiple boards, committees, networks and projects, including cross industry networks for diversity practitioners. He chaired worked within multiple sectors to advance human rights, inclusion and ESG ranging from the sports industry, Medicine and Charities and a wide range of private sector organisations. Their latest role was as Head of Inclusion and Diversity at the Red Cross and has past experiences with social impact organisations such as Oxfam, the Voluntary Community Sector Emergencies Partnership and We Make Change. Additionally Tim is a Fellow at Windsor Castle and the Royal Society of Arts.

Latterly, Tim has chaired an Industry Group which launched the world’s first comprehensive score aimed at improving company and industry-wide diversity and inclusion.
Tim uses their own experiences of a gay, disabled, genderqueer, proud father and survivor to tell their own story, and attempt to simplify the complex world of DEI, by fostering human connection, celebrating kindness and nurturing respect, which is, the key tenants of humanity and inclusion. 

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