Seeds of Change
This is the story of your wildest dreams, your highest hopes and your bravest adventure. All in one little book.
This is the story of your wildest dreams, your highest hopes and your bravest adventure. All in one little book.
This is the story of your wildest dreams, your highest hopes and your bravest adventure. All in one little book.
Alternative therapies, Inspiration & personal growth, Personal growth (general)
Seeds of Change is for people who face life changing situations or find themselves at a crossroads and who would find a mind-body solution appealing.
Unlike most other books on the subject, it allows you to find your own solid foundation, your own voice and offers enough information to enable you to make healthier choices in mind, body and spiritual matters as well as being better able to establish healthy relationships and become more resilient to the stresses of modern life. The book has guided imagery exercises that are either "food for thought" (seeds of change) or practical, interactive exercises that will help you find your true identity, and help you identify what changes to make first and how best to succeed.
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Seeds of Change may be small in nature, but is big on delivery of inspiring concepts and techniques for returning to wellness and a positive state of mind. ~Mary Lee LaBay, Ph.D., author of Hypnotherapy: A Client-Centered Approach and Exploring Past Lives: Your Soul's Quest for Consciousness ~ Mary Lee Labay
Seeds of change is a book unlike any other I have ever read, it doesn’t guide you along the path many others have walked, rather it teaches you to create your own path and discover what’s right for YOU. It is an insightful book about you, your life and where YOU want to be. The chapters are in small bite size sections so you don’t feel bogged down by a tirade of information and changes you MUST make to feel better. All the ideas, suggestions and information is very do-able and very easy but will impact on your every day life in such a way you will wonder how you coped with your old ways of thinking. This book teaches you that if you just make small changes it will have a butterfly effect in your life and sense of well being. If you only buy one self help book then this book should be it! A MUST READ and every coffee table and bookshelf should have a copy. ~ Ce'Anne Edwards, Therapist
Eva has produced a truly inspiring work. You must not mistake the size of this book with the power of the message—and the wealth of simple, effective techniques contained therein. In fact, after reading "Seeds of Change", I was amazed at just how much practical and priceless advice and help it offered. At times the information was hard hitting, even a little scary. You are presented with the inescapable consequences of living a life of stress, worry and pressure. However you are quickly taken to a place of pleasant, natural change where health, vitality and mindfulness can be gently and easily created. Eva creates a magical space for you to become more aware…to make subtle, yet incredibly valuable, changes for yourself…again and again. Use this timely resource for yourself but also share it with those you care most about. ~ Ed Lester, Peak Performance Hypnosis Teacher
A wonderful and very practical resource - thank you for sharing your wisdom and kindness with the world! ~ Shamash Alidina, Author of Mindfulness for Dummies