Healing Power Beyond Medicine
Successful body-mind-spirit healing has been wished for and hoped for - until now.
Successful body-mind-spirit healing has been wished for and hoped for - until now.
Successful body-mind-spirit healing has been wished for and hoped for - until now.
Alternative & complementary medicine, Inspiration & personal growth
Successful healing has been wished and hoped for - until now. Dr Carol A Wilson offers a new biopsychosocial-spiritual perspective on disease illness health and healing. In an approach to healing that includes the removal of eight common barriers to healing and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Healing Power Beyond Medicine inspires and provides tools that produce efficacious and positive outcomes.
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This is an inspiring work, densely packed with fact, case histories and personal observations about what she calls the biopsychosocial-spiritual paradigm. Don’t let those words scare you though; they mean simply: body, mind and spirit.
Wilson explores not only the dire health situations we face today from cancer and suicide, to the prohibitive expense of medical care and the toll prescription drugs take on the human body, but also offers solid and easy techniques to achieve optimum health, wellness and joy.
Carol A. Wilson's extraordinary book, Healing Power Beyond Medicine, A Guide to Remove Obstacles and Reclaim Joy is an inspiring work, densely packed with fact, case histories and personal observations about what she calls the biopsychosocial-spiritual paradigm.
Quotations from Buddha, the Bible, Rumi, and a host of other poets, saints and spiritual leaders are peppered throughout along with inspirational poetry and transformational stories taken from case histories of Wilson's clients.
I have known Carol for a decade now and am constantly impressed by her deep beliefs regarding the human spirit and its ability to manifest healing in this world and her courage to act on those beliefs. Her work as a healer has had a positive influence on thousands of people. My suggestion? Read this book. It may change your mind and then your life. ~ Bonnie Horrigan, Editorial Director, EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing
HEALING POWER BEYOND MEDICINE helps us define and open new frontiers in health and healing with a biopsychosocial-spiritual paradigm. Dr. Carol Wilson brings to a broad audience her convincing case for the successful adoption and integration of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). ~ George Pratt, Ph.D., Vice-Chairman of Psychology, Scripps Memorial Hospital, La Jolla, CA, Co-Author, Instant Emotional Healing: Acupressure for the Emotions
The past two decades have witnessed an avalanche of research in the use of mind and spirit oriented therapies to prevent illness and maintain health. Healing Power Beyond Medicine is a timely contribution, and Dr Carol A Wilson is a marvelous guide in this fascinating and important area. ~ Larry Dossey, MD, Author, The Power of Premonitions and Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine