Dr. Louis M. Profeta is a practicing Emergency Physician residing in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is a medical…
Leora Fulvio, MFT (Marriage and Family Therapist), is a San Francisco-based psychotherapist specializing…
Hilary Carter is co-creator of Taiyoga and co-founder of HigherMoon transformational workshops. She studied…
Miranda Gray has always been an advocate for the recognition of the cyclic nature of women’s perceptual…
Lawrence Ellyard is the CEO and Founder of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists.…
Bronwen Logan, also known as Bronwen Stiene, is an educator in the Japanese art of Reiki, as well as…
Frans has been a major influence on global research into the system of Reiki since the early 2000s. His…
Dr Carl O. Helvie, R.N. received a B.S. (NYU), M.S. (U of California), M.P.H. and Dr.P.H. (Johns Hopkins…
Brett Bevell is faculty Omega Institute for Holistic Studies in Rhinebeck, NY, where he teachs Reiki…
Steve Gooch was born in March 1962 in Rugby, Warwickshire in England and grew up there with his two brothers…
Dr. Lovera Wolf Miller received her medical degree, MD, from Loma Linda University School of Medicine,…
Dr. Lovera Wolf Miller received her medical degree, MD, from Loma Linda University School of Medicine,…
Lyz Cooper has been working in the mind, body, spirit arena since 1981 and with sound since 1993 when…
Linda Crockett is a Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist and Healer with a special interest in Women’s Health.…
Machel Shull is the author the International Bestselling book, MIDDLE AGE BEAUTY, an inspirational self-help…
Caroline Shola Arewa specialises in Health and Success Coaching. For more than twenty years her calm,…
Casey Costello specializes in meditation, hypnosis, Regression and past life regression. She is spiritual…
Paul Lenda is a conscious evolution guide, founder & director of SHIFT, author, writer, speaker, meditation…
Philena Bruce (B.A. Econ. & P.G.C.E. Maths) is a healer and palmist with thirty years experience. She…
Hans de Waard (1964), medical professional, developer, coach, trainer and now also an author. His passion…
Gwynne Davies is a retired Clinical Ecologist with over 30 years in practice. Served in the Fleet Air…
Since 1998, Barbara Tako has taught clutter clearing and home organizing as a professional motivational…
Mary English was born in London and educated in Switzerland at the American International School of Zurich.…
Pippa Wilson struggled with anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder for over ten years. Then she…
David Vennells is a Buddhist teacher of Reiki and the author of Reiki Mastery (O Books). He lives in…
Julie Skinner is a registered nurse with extensive experience in mental health. She is passionate about…
Throughout the course of her career Dr. Gordon has amassed extensive experience in the field of health…
David is a psychiatrist, writer, artist, poet, and international speaker. He has long been interested…
Billy has been psychic since he was a child when seeing so-called dead people was commonplace to him.…
Vanessa May is a London based nutritional therapist and wellbeing coach. Two years ago, her son died…
Carol A. Wilson received a Ph.D. in Health Education from the University of Utah and completed a Postdoctoral…
Lisbeth Hultmann, is a professional opera singer, gestalt therapist, public speaker, and published author…
Stephen Oakes lives in the North West UK with his three children and a wife. He is a writer, and is old…
Max Corradi is a Life Coach, a Health practitioner and a musician. For many years he has been studying…
Lorinda Weatherall been a Natural Health and Wellness Mentor in the Barrie, Ontario area since 1995.…
Robert Levy began climbing the shamanic mountain in 1995, attending workshops and learning from such…
Jenny Light is a teacher of meditation and yoga on Insight Timer, spiritual healer and inspirational…
The unprecedented rise in the development of the spa culture worldwide is propelled by the need and desire…
A born healer who has spent her life researching and exploring different healing paths, Sarina found…
Anita Neilson is an author, spiritual poet, blogger and podcaster in her native Scotland. Her interests…
Dr Louis Heyse-Moore is a retired consultant physician in palliative medicine. He currently works as…
Barry is the co-author of the upcoming book “On Angels’ Wings: My Life as a Healer” based on his mother’s…
Pamela Russell is a spiritual healer and has been providing healing for clients for over 10 years. During…
Laurel Stuart is a licensed acupuncturist, massage therapist and yoga therapist. She has practiced acupuncture…
Dielle Ciesco is a yoga teacher and creator of Transformational Voicework which she shares in her two…
Marie-Claire Wilson studied clinical medicine at Cambridge and UCL. Upon graduating, she worked for several…
Blanca has been a Guru, author and holistic practitioner for more than 11 years. Her passion for…
Michael Samways has a PhD from London University and is Professor and Chair of the Department of Conservation…
Prior to retiring from teaching in 2015, Dr Paul Lloyd worked at The University of Leicester, UK. Still…
Eva Suzannah has worked within the health and wellness sector for over 30 years, both in the UK and in…
Dr Pierre Milot is a therapeutic counselor who specializes in stress, grief and end-of-life management.…
Alyssa Couture is a fashion author and fashion entrepreneur. She feels fashion is an opportunity to attain…
Dave Reavely is a qualified teacher with a specialism in PE and special needs. He developed an interest…
David Rowan is an ex-oil industry executive who, in 1990, fathered his daughter Alexandra following several…
A.I. Jordan's professional background for the past 25 years has been in psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and…
Stuart Deeks has become fascinated by how medicines are found and brought in to use. As a homoeopath…
Dr. Muzhi Shi is a world-class scientist with ample experience in different branches of life sciences.…
Peter Arguriou was born in Salonika, Greece, in 1973. He studied conventional medicine at the University…
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