On Dragonfly Wings
Daniela Norris, former diplomat and atheist, discovers communication with the other side following the sudden death of her younger brother.
Daniela Norris, former diplomat and atheist, discovers communication with the other side following the sudden death of her younger brother.
Daniela Norris, former diplomat and atheist, discovers communication with the other side following the sudden death of her younger brother.
Afterlife & reincarnation, Personal memoirs, Spiritual
On Dragonfly Wings – a Skeptic's Journey to Mediumship, is a candid and personal search for the meaning of life, of death and of grief. It aims to give hope to those who have lost a loved one and to those who are about to pass beyond – hope that this is not an end. Written for lay people, rather than experienced spiritualists or mediums, and for anyone who is curious about exploring further, it provides practical tools to help readers find their own spiritual truth and path.
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A sceptic's guide to mediumship is the autobiographical account of a bereavement and how that experience led Daniella to harness her mediumistic gift and to gain meaningful contacts with the unseen worlds. ~ The Inner Light , Vol 35 No 1
I'm a retired Episcopalian priest and skeptic most things paranormal. Daniela's descriptions of her "sixth sense" experiences are most effective in helping me continue to balance my perceptions of the material and spiritual realms. My training in religion and lifelong experience of ministry (as both pastor and chaplain), did not relieve me of fear and confusion around death. Then one day I had what I can only call a touch of grace that led me to a life transformation. Thirty years later, I had a stroke and Near Death Experience (NDE) wherein I lost all fear of death and tasted of the ineffable experience of the "Presence". Since then, I have been studying sixth sense research and reported experiences. Thousands of responsible studies and reports have resulted from the last 200 years of science and experience all over the world. Reports such as Daniel's anecdotes are the most exciting and convincing, Well written and a delight to read. ~ David R. Powell , amazon.com
As a reading fan of the Geneva Writers Group, I was asked for an honest review of Daniela Norris’s book, On Dragonfly Wings – a Skeptic's Journey to Mediumship. Daniela Norris, a former diplomat, now writer began a spiritual quest following the loss of her younger brother Michael in a drowning accident in 2010. This powerful enlightening book was so touching that I have purchased three copies. One for the local library, a friend, and one for myself. The book is a personal journey that is educational, unpretentious, almost breezy, and written in an intimate personal style. On Dragonfly Wings – a Skeptic's Journey to Mediumship is not intended to convert skeptics. Norris is speaking to the interested average reader, and not to people whose minds are already made up. As a reader, I was completely captivated by the personal stories such as the lonely spirit and the fire alarm. The personal hypnotic regression stories are intense, emotional, and have an amazing quality about them. Each are well written and interesting. In fact, after the memory of the French Resistance fighter, I had a sense of gratitude and learned that all memories, emotional and physical, are powerful tools to help each of us benefit in the present. Furthermore, the memory of the young Tibetan boy and his mother’s love teaches that love is not only letting go, but the lasting gift toward others that will create an imprint upon both souls. Daniela Norris further provides the reader with many exercises that enhance the self-discovery of mediumship. The author observes that her principal interest in mediumship is not the mechanism behind the phenomenon, but its spirituality and social utility that has evolved over centuries. As she points out, “Scientists are the first to admit that there is very little in our world that science can currently explain – and this is not because its methods are flawed – but because it does not have all the right tools and information – yet.” Daniela Norris feels it should be possible to gain advantages from mediumship even if we don't have a theory by which to explain it. One of her top priorities in her personal journey of mediumship's value is in the grieving process. She began this process after the loss of her brother and found that science and spirituality can build a respect for each other. This was proven at her brother’s funeral when a Palestinian, called “to offer his condolences, the look of disbelief on the faces of Michael’s young friends only intensifies. A Palestinian? Calling to offer his condolences for the death of an Israeli soldier!” It is this connection that science and spirituality will have one day. As our society ages, this topic may become even more relevant than it is today. For instance, when the author was toward the end of her pregnancy she had an experience with spoon bending that brought a powerful personal lesson. Each of these lessons presented to the reader are also unique and this book is much like a foundation to enhance your own personal self-discovery. I really appreciated how the author provides several “How To” useful guidelines, and an appendix with helpful links for additional reading. Daniela Norris also uses subtle symbolism. For example, the author had only 20 chapters but this was the same amount of years Michael lived. I also really enjoyed the quotes and poem provided by the author which enriches the book. From the death of her brother to the birth of her daughter, Daniela Norris gives the reader a full, thought provoking book on the power of self-discovery, death, reincarnation, past life regression, and on mediumship. I give my highest recommendation to, On Dragonfly Wings – a Skeptic's Journey to Mediumship by Daniela Norris. ~ Ginger Dawn Harman, amazon.com
Daniela's book is a gentle exploration of a difficult issue - is there a world of spirits out there? Prompted by the premature death of a younger brother Daniela is propelled out of her normal practical down-to-earth life and forced to explore the idea of other worlds. As a reader I journeyed with her doubt and marvelled at her faith in equal measure. Her voice is always calm and matter-of-fact, completely brushing away any idea of a dangerous hidden world of the occult, suggesting only that as human beings we explore the idea of a different level of consciousness. As someone from a small community of ancestor-worshippers, the idea of messages from beyond the grave is not alien to me - in fact as a child I have witnessed special events where mediums go into a trance to transmit such messages. As an adult I have experienced evidence of energy healing in the form of Reiki and Bach Flower remedies. Despite all this I consider myself a sceptic in terms of belief in the ability to communicate with other worlds. As Daniela shares her own initial scepticism with honesty and goes on to provide interesting anecdotes and plenty of research I could not help but be intrigued by the ideas introduced in it. Past-life regression, self-hypnosis, body memory, spirit-midwifery, soul-groups, spirit attachments, mediumship, shamanic journeys, all these and more are tackled in uncomplicated, concise prose. I read this book in two tranches over the course of the day it was officially published with increasing admiration for the journey it covers and the stories it tells. I have already lent it to a friend. Read this book to challenge your idea of consciousness and as a bonus there are even simple step-by step instructions on everything from using a pendulum to bending a spoon! ~ Seetha Chinnappa-Sarwal, Goodreads
I am highly sceptical about hypnotic regression and organised mediumship but there is a certain appeal about Daniela Norris’s writing that draws you into ‘On Dragonfly Wings: a sceptic’s journey to mediumship’. Unlike the usual catalogue of inexplicable otherworldly happenings, this book is beautifully written and certainly not about fluffy characters who have seen ghosts or spirits since childhood of the Doris Stokes variety. The descriptive background is painted for us like passages from a novel but there is an instant rapport with the deep sense of loss on the death of a younger brother – a tank commander who dies in a drowning accident. This is the author’s story about how and why she embarked on a voyage of discovery in an attempt to find out what really happens when we die. I can’t say that I finished the book as a convert but there are some truly thought-provoking moments, especially if you are one of those people who believe that our dead are always with us. Highly recommended. ~ Suzanne Ruthven, amazon.co.uk and amazon.com
On Dragonfly Wings is a book that people who have been through such painful journey would easily identify with. And for those who haven’t, this book will open their eyes. The book raises a lot of questions which discerning readers will take time to address. In fine, I would emphasize that death is not the end. Even the dead lives on – through our memories and consciousness! And you can be sure that somewhere very near, just around the corner, they are waiting. This book will open your eyes to the seemingly impossible things. ~ khamneithang vaiphei , Yogi Times http://www.yogitimes.com/review/on-dragonfly-wings-daniela-norris-book-review/
Based on the experiences of the author, upon the untimely death of her brother, it is a well-written and engaging story with plenty of evidence to give comfort to the bereaved. ~ Editor's Note, Kindred Spirit Magazine May-June 2014
On Dragonfly Wings: A Skeptic's Journey to Mediumship is an inspirational guide by Daniela I. Norris. After losing her younger brother Michael to drowning, Daniela went on a journey of self-discovery. Everything started when the author felt Michael’s presence at his own funeral. Different from previous times when Daniela received communication from loved ones in dreams, this time she got a real message from her brother. From that point on, wanting to learn more about this phenomenon and other spiritual experiences she had had before, Daniela decided to take past-life regression courses. She went under hypnosis and learned about her past existences. These courses changed her life and brought meaning to what she was experiencing. On Dragonfly Wings is beautifully written and is one of the most well-crafted books I have read in English literature. Besides taking us on a journey through her own personal experiences, Daniela guides us to use our potential for our well-being and for the betterment of others. I loved the fact that she backs up her explanation of mediumship phenomena with various trustworthy sources. That not only brought credibility to the material, but also demystifies the idea of the spiritual world and its wonders. The book is based on her personal experiences, but also on many researches on the subject matter. Daniela teaches to use the pendulum, read auras, and brings up thoughtful insights on birth and death. It is definitely a great read for those who are looking for some sort of comfort (such as grieving a loss), looking for answers to something that no one can explain, or even getting a better understanding of spirituality. I liked this book so much that this is already my second time reading it. I certainly recommend it. *****five star review ~ Kelly Santana, Reviewed for Readers’ Favorite
On Dragonfly Wings is at once the story of a journey and a guide to entering the realm of the spiritual. Inspired by the tragic death of her brother, Daniela Norris recounts how this life-changing event opened up her heart and her mind to a whole other perspective on the world and thereby to another way of life. Poignant and practical, risk-taking yet with a dose of skepticism that we can perhaps all identify with when first considering such concepts as past-lives, the afterlife and the power of positive thought and energy, it is at once comforting and thought-provoking. This illuminating book guides the reader with gentleness and understanding to ask ourselves the questions that Daniela Norris has asked herself. ~ Sharon Pollack, writer-director of Everything Relative
It was the sub title "A Skeptic's Journey to Mediumship" which attracted my attention. As an open minded skeptic I was drawn into Daniela Norris' very personal story of how she came to discover, be trained in and now practice mediumship. She takes the reader on her journey from mourning to the realisation that death is definitely not the end. Her story is interjected with other bits of her experiencing past life regression, and she also gives some practical instructions on various technics which the reader can try out for themselves. This is not simply a biography and it is not a technical or instructional book, yet it has all of those elements in it. Daniela Norris has done an excellent job in telling her story and leaving the reader with something to grapple with on their own. The reader will come away with a calmer feeling about birth and death and if curiosity has been awakened the tools in the book can help in the awakening of an inner knowing. ~ Jim Murdoch, author of Pursuit and founder of www.indiebookworld.com
On Dragonfly Wings is a beautifully written book, touching and enriching, and its invitation to a spiritual quest deeply inspiring. I am not sure I can follow the author all the way in her journey, but I completely trust her conviction and the questions she poses will keep resonating for me with their message of hope. ~ Lang-Hoan Pham, translator of Letters to a Teacher: Six Years in War Zone 4, by Tran thi Thuong-Thuong
Because I've always been fascinated with the concept of past lives, Daniela Norris' Dragonfly was intriguing...But even if I hadn't been interested in the subject to start with, I would have delved into this work for the depth of understanding of human emotion and the fluidity of the language. ~ D-L Nelson, author of the Third Culture Kid Mystery series
Enjoy a flight through the intriguing, profound and fundamental aspects of your being with this book. Your journey will be a fascinating exploration of what goes on within and beyond ourselves. Dedicated to her brother Michael, it chronicles his death and how this became Daniela’s inspiration to train as a past life regression therapist. This is a demisting flutter through regression, mediumship and other mysterious psychic phenomena. It is an easy read and clears the fog which often surrounds our spiritual understanding. Prompted by awful, sudden and tragic loss, it was that experience which inspired the author to delve into hidden aspects of death, communication, the afterlife and much more. Daniela has a light touch and says many useful things about spiritual development. Conversations with mediums, therapists and psychics are helpfully included. If you are new to soul work and want an introduction to can gain insight, this book is for you. During the shared reflections between the author with her various course tutors, there is good sense, discussion of current understandings and descriptions of tutors working in harmony with their learners. At times this blurs the boundaries between learner and tutor and risks reading like a promotion for the centre where the author was studying, but I could not fault the accuracy, value or informative side of these interesting cameos. The author also introduces us to the ways in which spiritual processes work. These clear ‘how to’ pages intervene within the narrative. This adds another dimension to the book and provides practical learning tasters. The author is positive, enthusiastic and open minded and this underlies the purpose of the story, to report on shared experiences. There are some omissions, such as techniques to fasten our safety belts before we fly to link with those in spirit. I would also have liked more explanation and resolution of her discomfort before delving into the various aspects of spirituality during the course she attended. Activities for self advancement , such as to recognise a member of your soul-group, spirit attachment and dowsing might need further personal support for completion of learning. As a consultant in mediumship, I would say it brings the subject to a wider audience in a relevant, no nonsense and demystifying way. ~ Rosemary H C Hudson BSc, Society of Women Writers and Journalists
“The water was angry and murky, and even though they only went in waist deep, it very quickly turned into a swirly rip current. The girl got out; Michael’s friend made it back as well. Michael didn’t.” Author Daniela I. Norris lost her twenty-year-old brother in a drowning accident in May 2010. On Dragonfly Wings: A Skeptic's Journey to Mediumship is her personal and frank writing regarding her journey of spiritual learning and discovery. Whether you have lost a loved one or not, Daniela’s personal experience will definitely give you priceless insight to further understand the meaning of life and death. We follow her journey to connect to the other side through mediumship, the concept of past lives, and looking at the world in a different perspective. Raised by two skeptical, ‘facts and proofs’ parents, skepticism will always be a big part of my life, although I would like to think that I am open-minded enough to not just shun mediumship. As a matter of fact, Daniela has adroitly written her personal story and journey, leaving some pearl of wisdom and questions for me to truly think about. So for a reader such as myself, Dragonfly Wings: A Skeptic's Journey to Mediumship does open a gateway for me to understand mediumship further. All in all, Daniela I. Norris is an extraordinary writer who, I am quite certain, will introduce the practical tools to help any readers find their own spiritual path. Skepticism aside, this book is poignant, thought provoking, as well as encouraging at the same time. ~ Lit Amri , Readers' Favorite
Based on the experiences of the author, upon the untimely death of her brother, it is a well-written and engaging story with plenty of evidence to give comfort to the bereaved. ~ Editor's note, Kindred Spirit Magazine
On Dragonfly Wings may be the least threatening, most touching and thoughtful explorations of past-life regression a reader can experience. Starting with the death of her brother, Daniela Norris follows her heart to find what she already intuitively knows: We maintain connections with those we love who have gone before and we will meet again. We have only to listen, and to remember. In this outstanding, concise, easily readable book, Norris provides a remarkable journey into this ‘remembering.’ She melts the barriers between life and death in a gentle, loving way. Through her experiences, and with tears and laughter, Norris guides us toward our inner selves and helps us remember who we truly are. ~ Jim PathFinder Ewing, author of Reiki Shamanism: A Guide to Out-of-Body Healing and Conscious Food: Sustainable Growing, Spiritual Eating.
Enjoy a flight through the intriguing, profound and fundamental aspects of your being with this book. Your journey will be a fascinating exploration of what goes on within and beyond ourselves. Dedicated to her brother Michael, it chronicles his death and how this became Daniela’s inspiration to train as a past life regression therapist. This is a demisting flutter through regression, mediumship and other mysterious psychic phenomena. It is an easy read and clears the fog which often surrounds our spiritual understanding. Prompted by awful, sudden and tragic loss, it was that experience which inspired the author to delve into hidden aspects of death, communication, the afterlife and much more. Daniela has a light touch and says many useful things about spiritual development. Conversations with mediums, therapists and psychics are helpfully included. If you are new to soul work and want an introduction to can gain insight, this book is for you. ~ Rosemary H C Hudson BSc, Society of Women Writers and Journalists
A delightful book that you will find hard to put down once you start to read. ~ Andy Tomlinson, author of Healing the Eternal Soul and Exploring the Eternal Soul.
Dragonfly Wings is filled with education, wisdom and hope for everyone who has lost a loved-one or needs information to heal their personal grief. Daniela Norris' journey has expanded her own life and will definitely inspire yours. The death of her brother is Daniela's spiritual gain. The ripple effect is that anyone who reads this book will be similarly blessed! ~ Lo Anne Mayer, author of Celestial Conversations: Healing Relationships After Death.
Daniela Norris takes the reader, with warmth and grace, into the discovery of another reality. On Dragonfly Wings is an amazing read, very well written, where from the start we know we are in the hands of a trustworthy and sensitive writer. The pages start to turn on their own as if scenes in a dream sequence. Norris is a master at opening doors and explaining what awaits us. She bids us to accompany her on her journey to mediumship. And we are the richer for having been given this opportunity. ~ Susan Tiberghien, author of Looking for Gold and One Year to a Writing Life.