Creator and Creators

Creator and Creators

A way to become a Co-Creator with Nature by working with Time, Light, and Thought.

Creator and Creators

A way to become a Co-Creator with Nature by working with Time, Light, and Thought.

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Jul 27, 2018

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Jul 27, 2018

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Roza and Margarita Riaikkenen
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Metaphysics, Mysticism, Time


Creator and Creators starts from the point of Nothing/Everything and the cosmic Rhythm, and gradually includes and explains the esoteric and exoteric mechanisms that lead to manifestation of life as we know it. Through an analysis of personal experience and the synthesis of spiritual philosophy and modern discoveries in cosmology, quantum physics, and the holographic mechanisms of genetics and neurophysiology Creator and Creators develops a new definition of Matter and new explanations of the nature of Time, Gravitational Waves, and Dark Energy. The book also solves the argument between the creationists and evolutionists by providing a cyclic theory of Creation and Evolution.

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