Printing Errors: Printing first error object from list of errors Error code: NoResults Error message: No results found for your request. Printing Errors: Printing first error object from list of errors Error code: NoResults Error message: No results found for your request. Maya Mire from 6th Books
Maya Mire

Maya Mire

A Cosmic Scripture for the New World

Maya Mire

A Cosmic Scripture for the New World

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Aug 30, 2024

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Aug 30, 2024

Paul Nugent
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Afterlife & reincarnation, Ancient mysteries & controversial knowledge, Ufos & extraterrestrials


Sometimes we encounter something extraordinary, something so different and unusual that we don’t know what to make of it. That is the case with Maya Mire: A Spiritual Journey into Cosmic Truth and the Dawning of a New World.
Is it true, or is it fiction? Clearly the author believes it all to be true. In this regard, Maya Mire is the story of Paul Nugent’s own spiritual quest to discover the universal journey we are all making--and have been since the beginning of time--embracing alien worlds, higher and lower dimensions of reality, and living galaxies. 
It is a compelling story told by a close disciple of the Western master of yoga, George King, who founded The Aetherius Society in London, England, in 1955. George King was a contactee for intelligences existing upon the higher dimensions of other planets within our solar system. In over 600 “cosmic transmissions,” they outlined this timeless odyssey that humanity--and all of Creation--is making with ever-expanding consciousness back to the ultimate Source from which we all sprang billions of years ago. 

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