DEATH: Friend or Enemy?

DEATH: Friend or Enemy?

A unique book about the afterlife with people on the other side, many of them famous, telling their own stories.

DEATH: Friend or Enemy?

A unique book about the afterlife with people on the other side, many of them famous, telling their own stories.

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Jan 28, 2025

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Jan 28, 2025

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Ann Merivale
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Afterlife & reincarnation, Near-death experience, Spiritualism


Death, as the saying goes, is the great leveller, and though many fear it, while others view it as a blessed release, its inescapability affects us all in some way. The author of this unusual book makes use both of her spiritual reading and of the knowledge she gained from 20-plus years’ experience of taking her Deep Memory Process clients back to deaths in their previous lives, thus giving a broad spectrum of possible post-death scenarios. These she illustrates with a combination of famous and fictional characters, drawn both from accounts that came from the ‘other side’ through her figurative pen and from factual research. Part of the book’s aim is to dispel all fears of death itself and to demonstrate that the notion of eternal damnation is mistaken. At the same time, it shows the reader that whether a lifetime lasts 10 years (as did Annie Darwin’s) or 97 (like Bertrand Russell’s), it has a clear purpose and value. The stories’ precise truth is, however, immaterial, as you will find them enjoyable, educational, and reassuring.

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