Embrace of Capital, The

Embrace of Capital, The

Capitalism has swallowed us whole. It's a love hate relationship.

Embrace of Capital, The

Capitalism has swallowed us whole. It's a love hate relationship.

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Apr 29, 2022

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Apr 29, 2022

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Don Milligan
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Communism, post-communism & socialism, Comparative politics, Social classes


The "spectre of communism" which Karl Marx confidently evoked in 1848 is now nothing more than a ghostly and ghastly nightmare, without form or substance. This is because working people have developed a love-hate relationship with capitalism. They hate insecurity, inequality, and greed, and love civic and political freedom. They love mass consumption, and accept the logic of commerce. Barreling along through wars, revolutions, epidemics, and crises of all sorts, working people in their millions have consistently dumfounded and dismayed the left, by their refusal to countenance any alternative to the capitalist mode of life. We have to ask: Is it possible to reverse this reality, and once again talk of the necessity of communism?

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