Education Revolution
If the revolution will not be televised, bring it to the classroom
If the revolution will not be televised, bring it to the classroom
If the revolution will not be televised, bring it to the classroom
Educational policy & reform (general), Political ideologies (general), Popular culture
A plea for public education nationwide to teach media literacy, and specifically from the left of the political spectrum.
Within, the author discusses his journalism curriculum, which includes lessons in media literacy, critical thinking, bias, the political spectrum, economics, current events, and more. Additionally, he makes the case that "politics" belong in the classroom as a mechanism to push back on the looming realities of late-stage capitalism and right-wing disinformation; a highly necessary argument given how teaching these sorts of matters in public schools can be met with angst by parents, administrations, school boards, etc. It's time for people to take back power, information, and education.
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We live in a deeply unjust and unequal society. High school students are bombarded with propaganda to justify the status quo, from the reassuring fairy tales about capitalism in their economics classes to textbooks in their U.S. History classes that are splattered with more pictures of eagles and slowly waving flags than the signs at a Trump rally. Sam Shain understands how important it is to equip these students with the reasoning tools they can use to think for themselves and see through all the nonsense. We need about 10,000 more of him. ~ Ben Burgis, author of Give Them an Argument and Canceling Comedians While the World Burns: A Critique of the Contemporary Left
Sam Shain's book addresses and boldly answers a burning question for our time: how to develop critical political awareness given corporate media and their political biases. As a public high-school teacher, he has long practiced answers to the question. This book contains the wisdom he has acquired. He tells us what needs to be taught and how to generate media literacy. The US left especially needs to read this as an important source for changing the major narratives through which people today make sense of a capitalism in crisis. ~ Richard Wolff, author of Democracy At Work, host of Economic Update podcast