Colloquium: Sound Art and Music

Colloquium: Sound Art and Music

Declares the relationship between sound art and music “colloquial”: spoken and accessible, rather than locked behind disciplinary boundaries.

Colloquium: Sound Art and Music

Declares the relationship between sound art and music “colloquial”: spoken and accessible, rather than locked behind disciplinary boundaries.

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Sep 30, 2016

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Sep 30, 2016

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Thomas Gardner
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Salomé Voegelin
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Criticism & theory, History & criticism, Music (general)


In 2012, Thomas Gardner and Salomé Voegelin hosted a colloquium, entitled "Music - Sound Art: Historical Continuum and Mimetic Fissures", at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. This colloquium dealt with the current fervent debate concerning the relationship between sound art and music.
This book proposes the opening of the colloquium to a wider readership through the publication of a decisive range of the material that defined the event.

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