Angela Cutler
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Marneta Viegas is founder of Relax Kids Ltd - the UK's leading expert on children's relaxation. She is…
Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen are amongst the most successful writers and illustrators of childrens'…
Nick Butterworth and Mick Inkpen are amongst the most successful writers and illustrators of childrens'…
Alan studied in London at Hornsey and Willesdon Art Schools where he took his degree. He worked in…
Andy Robb is a committed evangelical Christian, whose two children have taught him how to express his…
Daniel Ingram-Brown is an award-winning, middle-grade author based in Yorkshire. He lives in a house…
Sue Palmer writes adventure stories for 7 to 12-year-olds. Her May’s Moon Trilogy tells the story of…
Paul Harbridge is a speech-language pathologist who works with adults with developmental disabilities…
Paul Symonds has spent the last fifteen years writing about the Bible in one way or another, performing…
Dawattie Basdeo children's yoga teacher and founder of Holistic World Ltd, is a passionate promoter of…
Stafford Betty earned his PhD in theology from Fordham University and taught religious studies at California…
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