Magical Sexual Practices of Ancient Egypt, The
A step-by-step guide to raising kundalini and embodying the dynamic, sexual force, that is the Power of Sekhem.
A step-by-step guide to raising kundalini and embodying the dynamic, sexual force, that is the Power of Sekhem.
A step-by-step guide to raising kundalini and embodying the dynamic, sexual force, that is the Power of Sekhem.
Egypt, Handbooks & manuals, Sacred sexuality
A step-by-step guide to raising kundalini and embodying the dynamic, sexual force, that is the Power of Sekhem.
Sex is the most potent force in the universe. A primal power. And sacred sexuality is a gateway to the divine. Something that the ancient Egyptians recognised instinctively.
In The Magical Sexual Practices of Ancient Egypt, bestselling author, Judy Hall, offers the reader powerful sexual magic for the present day. It reveals sexual secrets hidden for millennia.
This jealously guarded secret doctrine is now available to everyone. The system activates your creative erotic potential. Kindling the inner and outer mystic marriages, it is a joining of souls with the divine. Through a cosmic orgasm that is literally mind-blowing, the process generates the power to manifest and integrate expanded consciousness into the everyday world. The system can be used to attract a twin-flame or make a sacred marriage with an existing partner. The practice can also be worked alone to invoke an integration with your highest Self. Crystals support the practice throughout.
Accompaniment to Judy Hall's new novel, The Alchemy of the Night.
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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. The book is well written and the author clearly knows what she is writing about. The book was very intriguing and covers embodying a/the dynamic sexual force if you will via the power of sachem. It is about a practice of ancient Egypt and the raising Kudalini which is what made it intriguing to me. If you're looking to improve your sextural being and have an open mind it would be worth a read............. ~ Heather Tietz (Reviewer), NetGalley
Although ‘sex is the most potent force in the universe’ and sacred sexuality can be a gateway to the divine, this path has not been highly developed in the West due to our religious history – sex is secular and hidden. People have been obliged to look to Tantra and Taoism, and more recently to Barry Long, Osho, David Deida, Dieter Duhm and Sabine Lichtenfels. This text, based on an ancient Egyptian manuscript, gives a practical guide to the alchemical raising of sexual energy, leading ultimately to mystic marriage of the masculine and feminine, as well as with the higher self and the Divine. It is based on the 19th century work and experience of Paschal Beverly Randolph adapted for a contemporary readership and ultimately aimed at a serious readership in this field. ~ David Lorimer, Paradigm Explorer
This is a companion book to The Alchemy of Night novel. It goes into detail of the ancient and modern rituals of the mystical marriage and joining your soulmate or twinflame. The author discusses the importance of the number three and establishing patterns. She recommends having focused intention, finely tuned aspiration and a honed imagination. She also suggests keeping a magical journal while working through the alchemical process. The book has several instructions and rituals for the reader to follow to complete The Alchemy of Night. The first sets show the reader how to ground themselves and clear the chakras. A second set is to become one with the Higher Self. The final sets join the twinflames together and perform the mystical marriage. There are different perspectives for each chapter from ancient to modern. There is an appendix with recommendations for specific crystals to use along with how to clean, activate and maintain the crystals. This is an interesting book to read. I enjoyed reading the different perspectives for the rituals. If you are interested in the customs of ancient Egypt, this would be a great addition to your library. ~ Dawn Thomas (Reviewer) , NetGalley
This book contains an explanation of the sexual practice of ancient Egypt, raising kundalini and embodying the dynamic, sexual force, that is the Power of Sekhem, the magical sexual secrets hidden for centuries. Most of us can /may agree that sex is one of the most potent forces in the universe and can be harnessed to give one the best experience and greatest orgasm. If you are interested in this sort of thing, this is the book for you..........The book works with her companion book, The Alchemy of Night, which I also read and reviewed. The book unlocks secrets that this later book uses as a basis for its plot. ~ Kathy Talley (Reviewer), NetGalley
This is an interesting perspective on the historical sexual practices of ancient Egypt. Studying various forms of sex magick as well as finding Egyptian history fascinating, I would recommend this book. ~ Alexandrah Lane , NetGalley
A step-by-step guide to raising the Kundalini and embodying the dynamic sexual force that is the Power of Sachem........Judy Hall seems to know what she is talking about. ~ Louise Wilson , NetGalley
This book was a bit slow to start with due to them setting the background for the works and where all of the information has come from. However I found the book a fascinating read especially to anyone who is interested in Egypt. ~ Lindsay Adams-Riley, NetGalley
I have read about this topic for years, Ancient Egypt and sex magic used today. It explains how to raise power by using the magic of sex. This book has helpful resources that can be used in today's world. Crystals are used to open the Chakras during throughout. The book explains the best times to have sex with mind blowing orgasms. This can be accomplished worth a same sex partner of by yourself. It is explicit and may not be for everyone ~ Marie Angel, NetGalley
The main inspiration for this book seems to be derived from the works of an African/American esotericism and medium called Paschal Beverley Randolph, who lived on the Nineteenth Century. I cannot either endorse or dispute the scholarship behind the ideas put forward here - at the time he is said to have been considered bold for being so explicit about his ideas forvsexual alchemy. Apparently the ancient Egyptian adepts of this path believed that monogamy was important for this kind of sexual soul work, in which the chakras are slowly opened and, as with tantra, orgasm delayed until the energy at the base of the spine, kundalini, has infused all of the chakras. Unlike the case with similar sytems from India, however, The Egyptian system is said here to recognise extra chakras at the base of the feet, as well as some places above the head. In addition, the Egyptians recognised several components of the human soul in addition to the more well-known Ka and Ba. This was important not only for their burial practises, but for their sexual alchemy mysteries too. According to this book, it was important for them not just to seek an ideal twin soul partner and to reach ecstasy together: the aim was for each individual to enjoy communion with their immortal component soul and beyond that still, with the ground of crestion: this was the sacred marriage. For those who also entertain such lofty aspirations to their love among, the author of this book, Judy Hall, prescribes crystals to go with each chakra as they are opened, with a commentary on each of the original instructions. Judy Hall makes it clear that she does believe in the efficacy of repetition. Rituals are also given for cutting the (karmic) ties that bind in any relationship that is past its sell-by date. The Egyptians may have believed that an original soul union might span incarnations to come, but it seems even they recognised when it might be time to move on. The rest would be up to the reader, to decide how far to take any of this ~ Lynda Stevens, NetGalley
A powerful exploration of the spiritual aspects of sex magic of the ancient Egyptians for the modern occultist and spiritual aspirant alike. In this fascinating book Judy Hall reminds us of two things, the first is that she is herself an occult scholar of great spiritual insight and knowledge - as well as being the international go to expert for all things crystal in our modern world. A genius whose academic and mechanical understanding of the magical universe, combined with her intuitive and psychical connection to the deep currents, enables her to create a work that rivals the great arcane peers of our time. Secondly that sex is and always has been something sacred, something truly magical which can be employed physically and spiritually to great ends, the greatest in fact, the alchemical transmutation of the Spirit! A captivating read for the occultist, whether learned or neophyte, as well as anyone drawn to the Egyptian mysteries or those aspiring towards spiritual mastery and ascension. Judy Hall delivers a complex topic in an accessible way for the serious student of magic and the occult. ~ Edwin Courtney, author of The Ascended Master Book of Ritual and Prayer, Reflections
The ancient Egyptians understood the creative power of sex magic and used it to manifest in the material world, as well as to connect with the divine forces of the universe. Drawing upon the ideas expressed in an early Egyptian papyrus and those of the nineteenth-century occultist and medical doctor, Paschal Beverly Randolph, Judy Hall reveals the secrets of sacred sexual union. Unraveling the mysteries for modern-day seekers is no easy task, but Hall does it with sensitivity and sincerity, while also sharing her own insights. In language both eloquent and accessible, she introduces readers to the magical rites known to initiates for millennia. These practices enable one to harness the tremendous potential of ecstatic sex to gain health, wealth, and happiness. The path doesn’t end there, however; it leads beyond the physical realm to union with the Higher Self and All That Is. The Alchemy of Night is an illuminating, informative, and thoroughly engaging study of the “mystical marriage,” its transformative power, and its value to us in the twenty-first century. ~ Skye Alexander, author of Sex Magic for Beginners