In A Faraway Land

In A Faraway Land

Collection of 57 traditional and contemporary tales to educate and entertain, graded Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate or Advanced.

In A Faraway Land

Collection of 57 traditional and contemporary tales to educate and entertain, graded Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate or Advanced.

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May 28, 2010

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Michael Berman
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English as a second language


The book consists of a collection of 56 traditional and contemporary tales, graded Pre-intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate or Advanced. These come with photocopiable worksheets, as well as an answer key that contains notes for teachers with pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening tasks.

Stories not only entertain; they can also alter our experience so as to facilitate growth and change, and the tales included in this book have all been chosen with this aim in mind. Storytellers, unlike folklorists, who make statistical samplings of all the stories they have gathered, choose in the end those stories they believe in. However, at the same time, in selecting which tales to include, their length was a factor and also their subject matter. Stories have been chosen that deal with topics that tend to be featured in course books so they can be incorporated into an integrated programme.

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