Deeper Quest, The

Deeper Quest, The

Western society cannot succeed while detached from its philosophical inheritance. This book returns what was lost to set things right.

Deeper Quest, The

Western society cannot succeed while detached from its philosophical inheritance. This book returns what was lost to set things right.

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Apr 27, 2012

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D. Joseph Jacques
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Cultural & social, Ethics & moral philosophy, New thought


The Deeper Quest introduces us to philosophical concepts that were instrumental in developing our Western cultural background and deciding who we are as a people. Without knowing them we experience a personal and cultural deficit that is detrimental to present needs and those of the future. We feel lost, angry, incomplete.

Regaining these concepts places us back on the path of our own evolution by giving us purpose and meaning. It also allows us to heal many of our social ills from the base up. Social problems are merely symptoms that point to our loss. As we correct who we are, they will naturally subside.

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