Deep Equality

Deep Equality

Deep Equality by Jocelyn Chaplin bridges the old 1968 divide between ‘hippies’ & ‘lefties’ for the 21st Century 40 yrs.on.

Deep Equality

Deep Equality by Jocelyn Chaplin bridges the old 1968 divide between ‘hippies’ & ‘lefties’ for the 21st Century 40 yrs.on.

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May 30, 2008

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Jocelyn Chaplin
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Gaia & earth energies, Metaphysics


As Jimi Hendrix said, Life is rhythm. From the oscillating strings of sub atomic matter(depicted on the cover)to the breathing of the cosmos, everything in the universe is rhythmic. Yet we humans still tend to think with rigid vertical mind sets of superior/inferior etc. This book shows us how to free ourselves from these and think rhythmically. Using lots of examples, it helps us to attune more effectively to those ever changing equalizing forces that flow through us. Rhythms interconnect opposites, while hierarchies divide.

Jocelyn Chaplin is a psychotherapist and natural spirituality teacher. For 20 years she has helped thousands of people to live more in the flow. She has also published widely and exhibited her art work based on these themes.

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