Peter Lemesurier
Peter Lemesurier, a Cambridge-trained modern linguist and teacher and professional translator, spent his life writing books on various MBS subjects. Long associated with the New Age movement, and particularly with the Findhorn Community in Scotland, his The New Age Lexicon is a tongue-in-cheek guide to all the main New Age buzzwords, 'seen from the inside'.
A world authority on Nostradamus, O Books published his The Unknown Nostradamus (the first reliable biography in English) and Nostradamus: The Illustrated Prophecies (a complete transcription and translation of the original editions of Nostradamus's major work, complete with contemporary illustrative woodcuts and research into their actual sources, given that Nostradamus took most of his ideas from other people) -- both of them to celebrate the seer's 500th birthday in 2003.
Peter passed away in 2016.