Witch's Book of Simples, The
An Introduction to the Simple Arte of Domestic Folk Medicine
An Introduction to the Simple Arte of Domestic Folk Medicine
An Introduction to the Simple Arte of Domestic Folk Medicine
Healing (general), Magick studies, Witchcraft
Keep it Simple
A Simple is a philtre derived from a single herb and was an important element among the natural resources of the parish-pump witch, wise-women and cunning-folk. Simples are common kitchen ‘stuff’ that have been handed down through generations of country people in the form of family cures for everyday ailments. Or as William Fernie wrote in his Herbal Simples (1897) The art of Simpling is as old with us as our British hills. It aims at curing common ailments with simple remedies culled from the soil, or got from home resources near at hand.
These were no fancy recipes with magical formulae, and, often given as a tisane, the woman of the household was able to use the remedies to treat common ailments suffered by her family. And, this elementary form of domestic plant medicine can be as simple as a cup of chamomile tea made from flowers picked fresh from our own garden to aid sleep. This was the most elementary way to use medicinal plants since no fancy recipes or scientific acumen was needed. But this element of traditional witchcraft has long been in the shadows …
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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. This book of simples is the perfect guide for those seeking to learn about natural remedies to aid with various ailments and needs. This is a herbal that gives old herbals a run for their money as it focuses on a variety of herbs such as fennel, cowslips, and cornflower. Highly recommended! This serves as a great starter guide for those looking for spiritual guidance, interested in wicca, and looking to broaden their herbalism horizons. ~ LM Konkel-Dixon (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. The author includes a great deal of history in this book. I also like her opinion of fresh versus dried herbs. I had a giggle over the term “bicarb” because when I was growing up, my grandfather would always say he needed a bicarb. It brought me a very happy memory. I am happy the author gives precautions for specific herbs. It made me go and research a tree growing in my yard (which I found to be highly toxic and contains cyanogenic glycoside and amygdalin). This just goes to show a little knowledge is dangerous. I am glad the author did her research and provided such a complete listing. Although I have many books on herbs, I would recommend this book to anyone interested in herbal healing and medicine. ~ Dawn Thomas (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. This book is awesome. I found many great recipes and was pleased with the results. Well written text. Easy to follow directions. I told family members and friends about it and they asked where they could buy it. ~ Carlean Gbadeyanka (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I am obsessed with herbs and I expected to really enjoy this book. I wasn't disappointed. Well structured, well researched and well written. Looking forward to buying a copy of the hardcover soon. ~ Wendy M Rhodes (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Such a great book, I truly enjoyed reading through this one. I will definitely want it in my kitchen once published. Organized, layout was well structured, well written & knowledgeable for those who want to explore or those who already love herbs & the magic they have. ~ Whiskey Whisper (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. This is a super book. It has been researched well and is easy to read through. I really enjoyed reading about all the herbs and their uses. This book would be great in physical form rather than scrolling though on the kindle. ~ Hazel Thomson (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. I read this book via NetGalley.com. I really like the book. I am going to purchase the book, there is so much information in the book that I want a physical copy of the book. This is a great reference book. My favorite part of the book is that it includes reasons/warnings about the various herbs, flowers, etc. that I haven't found in many books. I would highly recommend this book if someone is interested in herbalism and natural healing. ~ Diane Mendenhall (Educator) , NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Tons and tons of really great information! Possibly meant for a more experienced practitioner as many of the sections could be a bit dense, but overall, a fabulous read! ~ Lauren Goncalves (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. This is probably one of the best books I have read by Melusine Draco. Full disclosure, I applied to study with Coven of the Scales and was not approved. That being said, the craft described in this book is rooted and from the lens of British Traditional Witchcraft. That is the same path that was recommended I study but no one was teaching it Stateside in 1991. So my interest is always piqued when BTW books come out. How does this compare to other new herb and medicinal plant books? I would say this is a bit more advanced and a denser read. It is full to the brim with history and provides a very solid background on why these remedies were used for health and magic. Lots of plants and herbs are covered but, as with the other new books on this topic, I would have liked to see photos. Why? Because, as Draco points out, some of these plants and herbs are poisonous and identification is key. I liked her emphasis on growing and harvesting the herb with magic on the mind. Every part of the process goes into simple being effective. This includes storage and preparation. One quote I particularly liked was: "When we use Simples we are more likely to notice the many variables that affect each herb: including where it grows, the year’s weather, how we harvest it, our preparation , and the dosage. The many variables within one plant ensures that our Simple remedy nonetheless touches many aspects of a person and heals deeply." My interactions with Coven of the Scales aside, I would highly recommend this book to herbalists, witches (regardless of tradition) and those wanting to delve deeper into home remedies. ~ Nicole Anstedt (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Since the rise of drug-resistant bacteria, and of viral pandemics, more and more people have been turning to the natural world for answers. I found this book both fascinating and interesting. ~ Michelle Coates (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. I had no idea what Simples were when I first started reading this book and quickly realised that it is an extract from a single herb. For example, peppermint tea would be a 'Simple'! This book is a mini encyclopedia of Simples from different herbs and how to prepare them. It details which illnesses each Simple could be used for as well as when not to take them. As this is a 'Witches Book of Simples', there is also information on the magical use of each Simple. Not being a witch myself, this was the least useful part for me, but still interesting to read! This book also covers the history of Simples with references to lots of historic texts. It was an enjoyable read and I learnt a lot about herbs and their uses. ~ Rad Bhatia (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. I really enjoyed this book that begins with a well-researched history of the use of 'Simples' (herbal remedies) and lists in reference format an A to Z of herbs. The entries are quite detailed and serve as a practical guide and also provide a historical context. The author seems to be quite knowledgeable on the subject and is an advocate of herbal medicine. ~ Farida Ali (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Such a great book, I truly enjoyed reading through this one. I will definitely want it in my kitchen once published. Organized, layout was well structured, well written & knowledgeable for those who want to explore or those who already love herbs & the magic they have. ~ Whiskey Whisper (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. This is a great reference book that contains history, planting guides, cultivating tips and 'recipes' for herbal home remedies. I love that it contains so much historical, mystical and practical information about each herb.. It does not pretend to replace modern medicine and even advises against assuming that it is a complete medical text. However, it is very thorough with the information about each herb, including warnings and uses medicinal and otherwise. The only thing missing is pictures (at least in my version)! This is a resource that should be in the home of every homesteader! ~ Jen Danner (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. I was really delighted to receive this book, and I'm also going to get a hardcover copy. As a practicing wiccan, I am trying to use a lot more natural remedies, and this book was such a help. Also a ton of other recommendations! And even as a bonus it's such a gorgeous cover! ~ Paula Hoponick (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. I found this book interesting. It seems there is a lot of research done including warnings if the herbs interact harmfully with medicines etc. I remember my grandmother even telling me some of these remedies. I guess I was expecting more magical properties of the herbs but I did like the “simple,” uses. All in all a good resource. ~ Eliza Beth (Reviewer), NetGalley
......My favorite thing about the book is actually in the beginning. Draco’s disclaimer about the book and plants referenced ends with “Let the wise reader learn and the fool beware.” As someone who adds disclaimers to all of my herbal writings, I felt this in my bones and really love Draco for it. Another thing I enjoyed is how obvious it is that Draco loves this work. Digging though and referencing all those herbalists and herbals, all that history, and listing all these plants with details is definitely a labor of love no matter if published. I know how tedious it can be to do this but when you love the subject, its a work of passion and here I believe it to be the case................. ~ December Fields-Bryant (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. As someone from a wiccan family It's hard find books that are well written and help people understand the old ways of medicine and how nature can help protect and enhance us all. Thank you for such a wonderful book. ~ Karen Bull (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Wow. I really like this book. It not only covers simples, but also provides the Latin names, Common names, Magical uses, and folklore information as well. I’m a history geek, so all of this extra information and the Latin names make this not only an insightful read, but an enjoyable one too. I highly recommend this book! ~ Cindi Austin (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. So I love the information in this book and what I can create with these herbs. My only disappointment is that there aren't any images against some of the more obscure herbs to help you recognize what they look like. That was a lot of back and forth of reading and going to google to look at what these look like to learn and identify them more clearly. I loved how each section has the scientific name, common name, simple recipe, do not use's, magical use, superstition/folklore and the authors own personal note for each herb. Really enjoyed this book and it was super informative. ~ Sarah Castaneda (Reviewer), NetGalley
“Since the rise of drug-resistant bacteria, and of viral pandemics, more and more people have been turning to the natural world for answers, and in particular to herbs. In her new book, Melusine Draco shows how using a single herb in a “Simple” can be used to treat a variety of ailments, including the ubiquitous virus. She takes you through each step of the process from preparing to grow herbs, to planting and caring for them, through harvesting and using them. Each recipe contains a single herb along with other ingredients that can be used to treat whatever ails you. This is the most basic form of herbal medicine and has its roots back into prehistory. It is the art of the healer in its most simple way, traditionally practiced by the village midwives, traditional witches, the cunning folk, the pellars, and of course, the apothecaries. The Witch’s Book of Simples book is a fantastic resource, full of a wealth of herbal knowledge garnered over hundreds of years. This book is highly recommended to anyone starting out on their journey into herbs. ~ Tish Romanov, The Old Apothecary