Shaman Pathways - Way of the Faery Shaman
Your practical insight into Faeries and the elements they engage to unlock real magic that is waiting to help you.
Your practical insight into Faeries and the elements they engage to unlock real magic that is waiting to help you.
Your practical insight into Faeries and the elements they engage to unlock real magic that is waiting to help you.
Affirmations, Paganism & neo-paganism, Spiritual
The Earth needs your help. The Fae are calling you to harness the power of Nature. In return they offer assistance to enable you to thrive in this very modern world, in balance and harmony, and with a sprinkle of very real magic. The Way of The Faery Shaman, gives insight as to who the Faeries really are, which element they are connected to, and how to work with that element in order to bring about the magic that is actually all around us.
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Lovely inspiring sparkling little masterpiece. Full of wonderful spiritually creative absorbing and interesting facts, stories, ideas and knowledgable guidance for invoking more fun healing laughter and happiness into your life. If you feel like being uplifted, empowered and allowing your true light and beauty to shine just like this lovely author has done then look no further ~ this book is a must have for everyone who enjoys their spirituality, Nature and folk lore and who has a twinkle in their eye and a sparkle in their step and knows there is something deeper to explore here ( yes of course there is and this book is your gateway ! ) If you would like to increase your knowledge and know how to connect or connect even more deeply to the delightful energetic Healing Fairy Realms. Read this book and you will feel a Fairy Blessing for this is what you will find as you read through these amazing and insightful pages from a beautiful Lady who has walked these paths as a true Mystic and holder of Fairy Magic & Light :) ~ Jacqueline Mary Piper, Amazon
This is a book that contains lived experience and a great deal of beauty, not a compilation of other people’s information. If you are of a Seelie disposition, want to learn more about elemental spirits from someone who clearly has a deep connection with them, and enjoy a smile as you do so, this book is for you. ~ Halo Quin,
I found this book to be a clearly written and enjoyable read. If you are new to the path of faery as I am, I believe you will find this book to be an excellent place to begin your journey. The book is well written, with information provided in bite-sized, easy to absorb chapters. It takes an active practice to gain true understanding and the author provides a variety of meditations and other exercises to help you on your way. ~ Lynette Hill, amazon
I read the book and it is truly very good. I feel like I have taken a trip to Fairyland and back. It has lots of ways to get in touch with these wonderful beings. I highly recommend it. ~ Sylvia Ward
Moon books have published some excellent work under the imprint 'Shaman Pathways' but this book is for the complete novice, elemental work of the most elementary kind. ~ The Inner Light, Volume 35 number 2
Through the magic of these pages you are invited to re-discover the truth about Faeries and to work with the forces of nature through spell work, mediation, invocation and rhyme. ~ Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, Best-selling author of The Shaman Within
Flavia's words will make you feel the joy and magic of the Faery realm all over again. Voices from childhood return, and I feel the urge to clap... these aren't just the pretty sprites of the Victorians but true tales of the land, beautifully told, in all their Puckish wildness. ~ Cat Treadwell, druid priestess and author of Facing the Darkness
My inspiration comes from my love of nature and fascination for ancient legend, just as Flavia’s words of guidance in this book do. We both agree ‘Fae’ represents the natural world we live in, and now more than ever, it is a communion with this world that we must cultivate and respect in order to once again bring about the real beauty in humanity. ~ Linda Ravenscroft, world-renowned Fairy & Fantasy Artist
Flavia walks her talk, her passion for the Fae is as real as it gets and in world that needs more magic Flavia brings just that. I love her honest heartfelt approach, the Fae worlds shine through her. ~ David Wells astrologer, presenter and author of Your Astrological Moon Sign: Werewolf, Angel, Vampire, Saint? - Discover Your Hidden Inner Self
Flavia has an intuitive connection to the faery realms. She speaks in a way that is easy for all to understand, and makes communication with the Fae effortless. This book should be on the shelves of every faery lover as a treasured reference for those treading a faery path for years to come. ~ Karen Kay Editor in Chief, FAE Magazine