Kitchen Witchcraft - The Element of Water
Learn rituals, spells, meditations, and more, involving the element of water.
Learn rituals, spells, meditations, and more, involving the element of water.
Learn rituals, spells, meditations, and more, involving the element of water.
Magick studies, Paganism & neo-paganism, Witchcraft
Best-selling author Rachel Patterson looks at the element of Water and how to work with it. The book includes rituals, spells, correspondences, Elementals, meditations and practical suggestions. Kitchen Witchcraft: The Element of Water is the sixth in a series of books that delve into the world of the Kitchen Witch. Each book breaks down the whys and wherefores of the subject and includes practical guides and exercises. Other titles include Spell and Charms, Garden Magic, Crystal Magic, The Element of Earth and The Element of Fire.
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5 out of 5 I’ve never really worked with the element of water much, but now I feel more connected to it than I ever have. This book is broken-down well, and if you want to use it purely as a reference tome, then it’ll be easy to find what you’re looking for. If, like me, you’re looking to enhance your connection with water, and work more closely with it, then slowly working your way through the book is your best bet. There’s a lot of information, but also exercises and some recipes to try out as you expand your practice. I learned a lot while reading this, but I’ve also gained a valuable resource for my library! ~ ,
I’ve never really worked with the element of water much, but now I feel more connected to it than I ever have. This book is broken-down well, and if you want to use it purely as a reference tome, then it’ll be easy to find what you’re looking for. If, like me, you’re looking to enhance your connection with water, and work more closely with it, then slowly working your way through the book is your best bet. There’s a lot of information, but also exercises and some recipes to try out as you expand your practice. I learned a lot while reading this, but I’ve also gained a valuable resource for my library! ~ Liliyana, Amazon
Any book I read by Rachel Patterson always made me reflect and learn something new, something i could use in mundane and spiritual life. This is no exception, a well written book full of ideas and useful hints Highly recommended. ~ Annarella, Amazon
Praise for Pagan Portals - Kitchen Witchcraft: I like this... it's light, friendly and good fun to read. One important facet of traditional Craft is the use of the kitchen and everyday implements to create magical goodies. I like the way the author brings the reader into the kitchen and makes the whole thing inclusive like having a cosy chat over the cauldron. A great addition to the Pagan Portals series. ~ Melusine Draco, author of numerous bestselling books