Svagito Liebermeister

Svagito Liebermeister

Svagito R. Liebermeister was born in Germany in 1957, holds a degree in psychology from Munich University, and has over 25 years practical experience in working with people as a therapist. He has studied a wide range of therapeutic approaches, including Deep Tissue Bodywork, Neo-Reichian Energy Work (Pulsation), Psychic Massage, Star Sapphire Energy Work, Counseling and Family Constellation. In each of these methods he has been leading numerous training programs, starting more than 20 years ago. Parallel to his interest in therapy, Svagito has been a disciple of the Indian mystic Osho since 1981 and has explored a wide range of meditation techniques. He is interested in combining therapy with meditation and has trained hundreds of practitioners worldwide in the art of working with people. He is currently the coordinator of the annual Therapist Training Program at the Osho Meditation Resort in Pune, India, one of the largest personal growth centers in the world. Every year, he travels extensively through Europe, Asia, Central America and other parts of the world, offering courses and training programs in over 15 different countries.
His first book 'The Roots of Love, A Guide to Family Constellation' (2006) has by now been translated into eight languages.

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