Veryan's childhood, spent travelling the world in the wake of her military father, led to a somewhat…
Mary Victoria Johnson is the author of the Other Horizons Trilogy, which she began when she was fourteen,…
James was born on the Wirral, England. He moved to Singapore when he was seven and later lived in Scotland…
Until very recently, Hannah M Davis lived in a white-washed village in Andalusia in southern Spain. And…
Born in Kansas City, USA, Mimi Thebo moved to Lawrence, Kansas in her teens and still calls the university…
John Hunt has spent his life in publishing. Semi-retired, he now works as a reader and advisor in his…
Michael Burnam, MD graduated UCLA medical school in 1972 and later served as the Associate Director of…
M. C. Morison lives in Crete, and has studied how the Hermetic mysteries spread from Egypt through Greece…
Marie Yates is a writer, speaker and coach along with being a Director of Canine Perspective CIC, a social…
Michael Richards is an engineer in the United States Air Force with a Ph.D. in Energy Science. He was…
Sarah is a mother of three who is currently a full time Spiritual Care Provider with Interim Homecare…
Ryan Lohner has a BA in Creative Writing from Fairleigh Dickinson University and a Masters in Library…
K.A. Coleman is a writer and high school English teacher. Kelly graduated from the University of Pittsburgh.…
Cally Pepper has had a varied career working for the NHS, running her own business, working as a volunteer…
K C Maguire is a wife and mother of three who loves fiction writing and reading fiction of all genres.…
Annika Jensen began writing Midnight Meanders as a freshman in high school and finally witnessed its…
AM Hughes was born and raised in a small town in northern New Jersey, but currently lives with her husband…
A magazine editor and journalist, Ross Gilfillan is also a writer who has written across genres. His…
With two kids, three cats, and a job in care, for Steve Conoboy writing fantasy fiction is a quiet respite…
Kelly McKain lives in the Surrey Hills, UK, and loves walking in, communing with and being guided by…
Beth Murray has been writing since before her teens, and is a passionate reader, especially books by…
Nicole Leigh West is an Australian author who caught the travel bug early on in life, via outback camping…
Ade Cory is a writer, marketer, blogger and social media poster. Born in London, but moved to Hertfordshire…
For about twenty years Tony worked as an academic and researcher, specialising in English Renaissance…
M.R. Weston has been a professional journalist for over 20 years and is employed as the Public Relations…
Daniela I. Norris is a former diplomat, turned political writer, and with age and wisdom - inspirational…
Andrea's literary journey began in a home where plot twists were as common as bedtime stories. Raised…
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