Phil McDermott
Phil McDermott is a highly acclaimed storyteller, author and playwright. He is the creator of the ‘Oracy To Writing Process’; a highly effective approach to raising writing and reading standards both here and abroad. He is also the author and storyteller on ‘The Story Emporium’ website and has won awards for the incredibly popular ‘Storyspinner’ series.
For over 20 years Phil has been working as a storyteller, drama and Oracy specialist and teacher training consultant in British schools and in many schools around the world. He has been rated as excellent by OFSTED and positively commented on in many of their reports. He is an expert in the effective use of Oracy as a teaching tool. His work with children includes personal development through Oracy, writing and drama. Critical thinking, creative problem solving and independent learning are key features in his approach.
Phil’s work has been the subject of many authoritative studies including, a study in Birmingham by Eve Bearne, University of Cambridge and Marilyn Mottram, School Effectiveness Adviser, Birmingham, in which they found: ‘oral storytelling can provide a powerful means of giving children a ‘voice’ for their writing. The structure as well as the imaginative content of children’s told and written narratives improved noticeably over the course of one term.’ Hackney learning Trust also conducted a pilot of his Oracy to writing process in 22 primary schools, which resulted in 96% of the children showing significant or major improvement in their literacy levels. More recently his work with boys at a primary school in Dagenham was the subject of a study by Oxford university press.
Phil also has a successful background in the performing arts. His most famous acting role was as Trevor Short, a long running character in the well known BBC British soap opera ‘East Enders’. He has also acted in children’s TV dramas, performed radio plays for the BBC and acted in many stage plays throughout the UK. As a storyteller he has performed at festivals, tours and clubs throughout the UK and Europe.
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