Dreamed up Reality
A mesmerizing journey into the unconscious, where one uncovers the unfathomable mechanisms underlying a fractal reality made of thought forms.
A mesmerizing journey into the unconscious, where one uncovers the unfathomable mechanisms underlying a fractal reality made of thought forms.
A mesmerizing journey into the unconscious, where one uncovers the unfathomable mechanisms underlying a fractal reality made of thought forms.
Creative ability, Metaphysics, Parapsychology (general)
A strong and growing intuition in society today is the idea that our thoughts create our own reality. Yet it seems obvious that, try as we might, our lives are not quite what we fantasize. Is the intuition thus wrong? Through a rational, methodic interpretation of meditative insights, the validity of which is substantiated with a compelling scientific literature review, the author constructs hypotheses that reconcile facts with intuition. Mesmerizing narratives of his expeditions into the unconscious suggest an amazing possibility: just as dreams are seemingly autonomous manifestations of our psyche, reality may be an externalized combination of the subconscious dreams of us all, mixed as they are projected onto the fabric of space-time. Perhaps the laws of physics are an emergent by-product of such synchronization of thoughts. Through computer simulations, the author explores the implications of these hypotheses, with conclusions uncannily reminiscent of observed phenomena.
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"Kastrup's ideas go off like firecrackers. But his case, again, is cogently argued, and he writes extremely well and to the point. Undoubtedly, he is one of the most provocative and thought-provoking (if I may venture a pun) thinkers of the day."
~ Geoff Ward, Suite101.com"If you're interested in mind exploration, this book would be a good addition to your library."
~ M. L. Lamendola, Top 1000 amazon.com reviewer, http://www.amazon.com/review/R1OAV1WJP9BW30/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#R1OAV1WJP9BW30"Dreamed Up Reality provides an escape into the domain of dreams, alternate realities and individual/collective impressions"
~ Dr. Joseph S. Maresca, http://www.amazon.com/review/R33FO1MVX6RWYK/ref=cm_cr_pr_viewpnt#R33FO1MVX6RWYKA fascinating scientific and philosophical discussion of the primacy of consciousness and the ways in which thoughts create our reality. A subtle and profound book which will interest all readers exploring the deeper nature of consciousness.
~ Network Review