Michael N. Marsh
Michael Marsh's earlier professional career was in academic medicine [BSc (Class I Hons) Leeds University (Anatomy & Cell Biology, 1960: D.Sc 1992: BM, BCh (1962); DM (1972) Magdalen College, University of Oxford: FRCP (London 1980sanitize_seed_cudgj0ojiz48c0cg80c0sk4g0)sanitize_seed_cudgj0ojiz48c0cg80c0sk4g0]sanitize_seed_cudgj0ojiz48c0cg80c0sk4g0. He held the Readership in Medicine at Manchester University, and was Consulting Gastroenterological Physician at Hope Hospital, Salford. In 2004, he was appointed Professor of Intestinal Immunopathology at Ankara University Medical School, Turkey.
His medical research was oriented towards computerised mucosal morphology of intestinal mucosa and to its immunopathological responses, through T lymphocyte stimulation, to environmental antigenic challenge, with particular emphasis on coeliac disease. His observations gave rise to the internationally-accepted "Marsh" classification in relation to the intestinal changes associated with coeliac disease. He was the recipient of a Distinguished Investigator Award at the XII International Coeliac Conference, November 2006 at the New York Hilton.
In 1997, he embarked on the Oxford theology degree which afforded him some opportunity to deploy his other interests in biblical Hebrew and Greek. After graduating in 2002 (B.Th, Hons Class I), he returned to Magdalen to write his D.Phil thesis on out-of-body & near-death experiences, as envisioned neuro(patho)physiologically and theologically, under the tutelage of Professor John Hedley Brooke (2002-6). This was published by OUP in the Oxford Theology Monograph Series, 2010.
While writing his DPhil, he lectured with Dr. Margaret Yee in her Hilary Term series on Mind, Body & Spirit. He also convened a series of public lectures (Hilary Term 2010) entitled 'On Being Human: Dignity & Uniqueness' in the Oxford Centre for Christianity & Culture (Regent's Park College) of which he is now a Fellow. In Michaelmas Term 2013, he will in part be convening another series of lectures on 'Truth & Uncertainty', and running a day symposium there on 'Death, Dying, & Assisted Suicide' (November, 2013).
Professor Marsh is also a member of Wolfson College, University of Oxford.