After qualifying as a medical GP, a holistic therapist and working in the Bristol Cancer Help Centre,…
During his distinguished career David Fontana was Professor of Transpersonal Psychology at Liverpool…
Co-editor and initiator of the anthology, Trish Pfeiffer, was co-chair with John Mack in the Center for…
Michael Meacher in his own words: I am a politician (though frustrated and disgusted by so much of the…
Born in London, now living in Israel, Ronald has an M.A. in Linguistics with post graduate studies in…
In a previous century, Laurence and Alison Matthews were university lecturers and statisticians in the…
Jens Amberts is trained in philosophy at Linköping University, and his primary research interests are…
Peter Ells has a long-standing interest in the Hard Problem of consciousness: specifically in explaining,…
Steven Dillon has been a pagan author and philosopher for over 10 years. His work focuses on the articulation…
I am a senior lecturer and researcher in linguistics at the University of Birmingham. My research focuses…
Following an economics degree in the UK, Geoff Crocker developed two career components ; one in industrial…
Knujon Mapson is a student of the revolutionary evolutionary theological theory of Pandeism, a constant…
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