Sapient Cosmos, The

Sapient Cosmos, The

Novel paradigms in physics and philosophy are uncovering radical new visions for the ultimate nature of reality and consciousness.

Sapient Cosmos, The

Novel paradigms in physics and philosophy are uncovering radical new visions for the ultimate nature of reality and consciousness.

Paperback £35.99 || $44.95

Mar 25, 2025

e-book £28.99 || $35.99

Mar 25, 2025

James B. Glattfelder
More books

Cognitive science, Mind & body, Spirituality


Ever since the human mind awoke to its own existence, it has wondered about its cosmic significance. By dispelling myths and religious convictions, science entered the arena of explanatory templates. A tectonic shift in understanding began when the mind started decoding the universe‘s mathematical language. To this day, the technological prowess unleashed by scientific knowledge remains awe-inspiring. However, science excluded two crucial domains from its field of inquiry. Firstly, the formation of complex systems--especially metabolic structures--appears to defy the physics of cosmic disorder and decay. Then, the nature of consciousness itself was deemed unworthy of academic discourse until not too long ago. Furthermore, the adoption of physicalism as a metaphysical foundation for science was an enormously consequential choice, erroneously seen today as integral to science. This book chronicles an ongoing paradigm shift affecting physics and philosophy. Consciousness is rediscovered at the core of existence, expressing an intrinsic yearning for cosmic complexity, while the fabric of reality is woven from threads of information.

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