Exposing the Big Game

Exposing the Big Game

Forget hunters’ feeble rationalizations and trust your gut feelings

Exposing the Big Game

Forget hunters’ feeble rationalizations and trust your gut feelings

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Jun 29, 2012

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Jun 29, 2012

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Jim Robertson
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Animal rights, Plants & animals, Wildlife


Exposing the Big Game challenges the archaic, yet officially endorsed, viewpoint that the primary value of wildlife in America is to provide cheap entertainment for anyone with a gun and an unwholesome urge to kill. Portraits and portrayals of tolerant bears, loquacious prairie dogs, temperamental wolves, high-spirited ravens and benevolent bison will leave readers with a deeper appreciation of our fellow beings as sovereign individuals, each with their own unique personalities.
Above all, this book is a condemnation of violence against animals, both historic and ongoing. It explores the true, sinister motives behind hunting and trapping, dispelling the myths that sportsmen use to justify their brutal acts. Exposing the Big Game takes on hunting and defends the animals with equal passion, while urging us to expand our circle of compassion and re-examine our stance on killing for sport.

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