Spiritual Journaling
A definitive exploration of spiritual enlightenment that helps develop a renewed spiritual emphasis in one's life.
A definitive exploration of spiritual enlightenment that helps develop a renewed spiritual emphasis in one's life.
A definitive exploration of spiritual enlightenment that helps develop a renewed spiritual emphasis in one's life.
Inspirational, Personal growth, Prayer
Wake up, write down, explore, see new beginings in your life.
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Written with simplicity and revealing great humanity, “Spiritual Journaling” continues the work of a master teacher of contemplative living who finds God’s energies everywhere in all the events of our lives.
"Dan Phillips' genius is showing how the practice of spiritual journaling can uncover the amazing but often overlooked thread of grace that runs through each of our lives. It's a motivating and practice guide for anyone who longs to be awakened to the loving activity of God in their lives."
~ Ian Morgan Cron, Author of Chasing Francis: A Pilgrim's Tale