Paradox of our National Security Complex, The

Paradox of our National Security Complex, The

Predominance of the National Security Complex in government has undermined American liberty and security.

Paradox of our National Security Complex, The

Predominance of the National Security Complex in government has undermined American liberty and security.

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May 26, 2017

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May 26, 2017

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Richard Alexander Otto
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20th century, American government (general), Security (national & international)


Most Americans live very hectic lives and have little time to devote to reading lengthy tomes on a single subject, never mind researching these matters. Here, in a single volume, Richard Otto presents a series of compelling essays on Vietnam, Watergate and the assassinations of the 1960s. The Paradox of our National Security Complex examines the consequences of our militaristic and corporatist policies since World War II on our liberty, our security, and our democracy.

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