Sarah-Beth Watkins has been a freelance writer for over 20 years, writing for magazines and websites…
John Koerner is an adjunct professor of American History at Erie Community College and the founder of…
Mark Olly was born in 1962 in Warrington, England, and educated at Appleton Hall County Grammar School,…
John Aspin was born in Alderley Edge, Cheshire, in 1946 and has had a life-long interest in folk-lore,…
Amateur historian Tom Reilly has almost single-handedly taken on the might of academia with regard to…
Charlie Fenton studies Medieval and Early Modern History at the University of Kent. Her first book, Perseverance,…
Philip Jett is a former corporate attorney, having represented corporations, hospitals, CEOs, celebrities…
Moniek Bloks is the editor of the successful blog History of Royal Women. She lives in the Netherlands…
Donna Bryson is an author and freelance journalist living in Colorado with her husband and daughter.…
Geoffrey Iley has been writing since childhood, but his working life was in manufacturing, where he became…
Chris Parish is passionate about the subject of Britain, having spent years studying the national culture,…
Miki Garcia has an MA in journalism from City University London, and works as a journalist and research…
Scott Edwin Williams is an optimistic smartass, writer, humorist, and history nerd. His fascination with…
For Jackie Skingley, adventure has been her quest since childhood. Life with the British army allowed…
Sarah J. Hodder began her career as production manager for Shire Publications, a unique niche publisher…
Lionel Friedberg is an Emmy Award-winning Film and TV producer and writer. Lionel grew up in South Africa…
Azar Gat is Ezer Weitzman Professor of National Security in the School of Political Science, Government,…
Nathaniel Adams is an attorney in the United States who has traveled to over 25 developing countries…
Nick Louras is an independent researcher and historian. He blogs at
David Lee is an Irish historian, who specialises in women’s history. He first became interested in the…
Richard Otto worked as an attorney at law in Connecticut for fifteen years. He began his career as an…
Jon Berry spent nearly thirty years teaching English in comprehensive schools before moving to the university…
Allison McKenzie spent 15 years transcribing the testimonies of witnesses and suspects for the police…
Vladislav Bogorov was drafted in the Bulgarian Army and had to serve as a tankman on a Soviet T-55, upon…
Edwin Lerner is a tourist guide and writer with many years experience of taking groups around Britain…
The author is uniquely suited to tell this story. He has spent his professional career as a research…
Merilyn Moos is a retired lecturer and writer.. She is the author of the semi-autobiographical novel:…
David Sunderland is the author of five books and numerous articles on the economic history of London,…
Keith Coleman is a native of Dundee and currently resides in Cornwall, working as a manager in local…
Canon David Jennings is a parish priest and also Canon Theolgian at Leicester Cathedral. He has previously…
Since his retirement in 2012, Ken West has written two books on natural burial, and spent the past four…
Val was born in Manchester to an Irish mum and a Glaswegian dad. She grew up in a time of grammar schools,…
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