Vladislav Bogorov

Vladislav Bogorov

Vladislav Bogorov was drafted in the Bulgarian Army and had to serve as a tankman on a Soviet T-55, upon his discharge being promoted to a Junior lieutenant. Having practiced as a lawyer for 17 years, he is probably the only certified welder who has won four cases before the European Court of Human Rights. (The cases are published on the website of the Court.) Vladislav has an MSc in Law from Sofia University and an MSc in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies from the University of Glasgow. He has published 324 articles in different Bulgarian newspapers, among these the biggest ones in the country. Vladislav promoted himself as a lawyer and as an author which resulted in 44 articles in the Bulgarian press published about him. Having been born in Bulgaria, he now resides in Scotland and is a British citizen. Vladislav speaks Bulgarian, English, and Russian.

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