Enlarging the Tent

Enlarging the Tent

Two Quakers honestly explore racism, and the best responses to it.

Enlarging the Tent

Two Quakers honestly explore racism, and the best responses to it.

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Dec 8, 2023

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Dec 8, 2023

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Jonathan Doering
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Nim Njuguna
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Civil rights, Discrimination & race relations, Quaker


On 25th May, 2020, George Floyd, an African American, was murdered by a white police officer. Storms of outrage and protests spread globally. Many learned about the Black Lives Matter movement, and perhaps the most honest conversation began on racism’s causes, the tools that engineer and sustain it -- and how best to dismantle it.
In late 2020, teacher, community development worker and freelance writer Jonathan Doering approached Nim Njuguna, a retired Baptist minister and former Quaker prison chaplain involved in social justice and mental health issues, seeking an interview on the current situation. Nim offered a project of co-interviews, both participants developing their thoughts on racism and right responses.
These dialogues between willing novice and seasoned activist offer possible ways forward whilst the worksheets encourage allies to delve into their thoughts, feelings, and responses to this major challenge of our time.


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