Blue Sky God

Blue Sky God

Quantum consciousness, morphic fields and blue-sky thinking about God and Jesus the Christ

Blue Sky God

Quantum consciousness, morphic fields and blue-sky thinking about God and Jesus the Christ

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Jul 27, 2012

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Jul 27, 2012

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Don MacGregor
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Christian theology (general), New thought, Religion & science


Blue Sky God interprets some new scientific theories with blue sky thinking to bring radical insights into God, Jesus and humanity, drawing also on some deep wells from the past in the writings of the early Christians. In an accessible style, it looks at science research and theories in areas such as quantum physics and consciousness, epigenetics, morphic resonance and the zero point field. From there, seeing God as the compassionate consciousness at the ground of being, it draws together strands to do with unitive consciousness and the Wisdom way of the heart. Throughout, it seeks to encourage an evolution in understanding of the Christian message by reinterpreting much of the theological language and meaning that has become orthodoxy in the West. In doing so, it challenges many of the standard assumptions of Western Christianity. It outlines a spiritual path that includes elements from all of the great religions of the world, is not exclusive, and yet has a place of centrality for Jesus the Christ as a Wisdom teacher of the path of transformative love.

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