Sandy Bharat
Sandy Bharat was Director, then Trustee, of the International Interfaith Centre at Oxford, previous trustee of the World Congress of Faiths, a founder/initiator of the Network of International Interfaith Organizations, editor of the online Introduction to Interfaith Studies, and an editor of the Encyclopaedia of Hinduism project in August 1997. Publications include Christ Across the Ganges: Hindu Responses to Jesus (O Books); A Global Guide to Interfaith: Reflections from Around the World (O Books); Touched by Truth: A Contemporary Hindu Anthology (Sessions); and Mapping the Cosmos: An Introduction to God (Sessions), the last three with her late husband, Jael who was Dutch. They worked together on interfaith issues and events for several years before Jael passed away. Sandy has contributed to many other publications, including the Hindu chapter for the The Blackwell Companion to Jesus (2012) and manages two websites, Interfaith Information Online,, and Spirituality for Daily Life, She has an honours degree in Theology and is a member of Self-Realization Fellowship. She is now a trustee of Tabora League for Children (TLC), and volunteers with Tanzanian Childrens Educational Trust.
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