Resetting Our Future: Power Switch
It is totally possible that with transformative activism we can not just restore the pre-crises order, but transform it.
It is totally possible that with transformative activism we can not just restore the pre-crises order, but transform it.
It is totally possible that with transformative activism we can not just restore the pre-crises order, but transform it.
Political economy, Sociology (general), World (general)
Is it actually possible? …that we might emerge from this pandemic with a peaceful global power switch from those who have too much to those who don't have enough? With billionaires able to decide the fate of nations, private corporations more powerful and less accountable than ever, and political autocrats around the world shaking our confidence in democratic institutions, power resides in all the wrong places. And so our world is in crisis. In such moments, activists find opportunities. Not to restore the pre-crises order, but to transform it. Paul O’Brien argues that progressive activists may never have a better opportunity to rewrite economic rules, systems and outcomes in favor of those who don't have enough. His book offers practical action steps for activists who want to drive a power switch that overcomes extreme inequalities in our world.
Titles published in the series;
Resetting Our Future: A Chicken Can’t Lay A Duck
How Covid 19 can solve the climate crisis: Graeme Maxton and Bernice Maxton-Lee
Resetting Our Future: A Global Playbook for the Next Pandemic
Anne Kabagambe
Resetting Our Future: Cut Super Climate Pollutants Now
The Ozone Treaty’s Urgent Lessons for Speeding Up Climate Action: Alan Miller, Durwood Zaelke and Stephen O. Andersen
Resetting Our Future: Empowering Climate Action in the United States
Deb Morrison and Tom Bowman
Resetting Our Future: Impact ED
How Community College Entrepreneurship Creates Equity and Prosperity: Rebecca A. Corbin and Mary Beth Kerly
Resetting Our Future: Learning From Tomorrow
Using Strategic Foresight to Prepare for the Next Big Disruption: Bart Edes
Resetting Our Future: Long Haul COVID: A Survivor’s Guide
Transform Your Pain & Find Your Way Forward: Julie Luongo and Joseph J. Trunzo
Resetting Our Future: Power Switch
How We Can Reverse Extreme Inequality: Paul O’Brien
Resetting Our Future: SMART Futures for a Flourishing World
A Paradigm Shift for Achieving Global Sustainability: Claire A. Nelson
Resetting Our Future: What If Solving the Climate Crisis Is Simple?
Tom Bowman
Resetting Our Future: Zero Waste Living, The 80/20 Way
The Busy Person’s Guide to a Lighter Footprint: Stephanie J. Miller
Forthcoming titles:
Resetting Our Future: Provocateurs not Philanthropists
Turning Good Intentions to Global Impact: Maiden Manzanal-Frank
Resetting Our Future: Rebalance
Charting Our Path to Lead, Parent, Partner and Thrive: Monica Brand Engel and Lisa Neuberger Fernandez
Resetting Our Future: Reconstructing Blackness
Charles Lattimore Howard
Resetting Our Future: Resetting Our Table
Michelle Auerbach and Nicole Civita
Click on the circles below to see more reviews
"O’Brien asks us to confront the power and wealth inequalities at the heart of our current economic system. An ambitious agenda worth heeding." ~ Anne Kabagambe, Executive Director, The World Bank Group, and author of A Global Playbook for the Next Pandemic
"The bad news is that the world is in crisis; the good news is that transformative activism can overcome it. Will the more formal progressive institutions have the courage to go all in with that activism?" ~ Ben Phillips, author of How to Fight Inequality
"Packed with precision, practical advice, and real-world experience, this book is richly seamed with hope for a better future." ~ Bernice Maxton-Lee, climate activist and author of A Chicken Can't Lay a Duck Egg
Power Switch is a call to the activist in each of us. If we work together, we can rebuild fair, just, and less wasteful economies. ~ Stephanie Miller, author of Zero Waste Living, the 80/20 Way, and Founder of Zero Waste in DC, and former Director, IFC Climate Business Department