Presence Activism

Presence Activism

A profound solution to calming and dissolving climate anxiety in these perilous times.

Presence Activism

A profound solution to calming and dissolving climate anxiety in these perilous times.

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Aug 30, 2024

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Aug 30, 2024

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Lynne Sedgmore
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In this book, author Lynne Sedgmore integrates presence, climate activism, and the alleviation of climate anxiety in an innovative and unique synthesis and new term - Presence Activism.
By offering a profound solution with new perspectives, Presence Activism: A Profound Antidote to Climate Anxiety is steeped in a presence that moves activism beyond metaphors of war, enemies, and destruction, as well as the illusion of separation, into the visceral knowing of presence and interconnection, thereby making presence an important part of the way forward for current and future activism.
Presence Activism: A Profound Antidote to Climate Anxiety introduces new processes of the Presence Flower and the Anxiety Flower to solve the anxiety issues we face, and to develop and expand our own personal internal coping mechanisms, responses, and capacities. 
This book is a compendium of different perspectives and experiences of presence, as well as a powerful conceptual and thoughtful analysis of the fields of presence, climate anxiety, and climate peril.

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