Kimberly Ruth Taylor
Kimberly Ruth Taylor, a first-time author, has had the privilege of staying home and raising seven children. They have been her greatest teachers. Much of her time was spent working with children of all ages developing programs, running youth groups and retreats, encouraging youth to go deeper into who God really is, discovering their own worth and purpose in this world. As she steps into the sage part of her life she has found herself studying many different healing modalities such as Reiki, Healing Touch, cranial sacral therapy, and shamanism. Kim is also trained to be a facilitator in "Experiential learning with horses" and has a BA in Art Education. Having been raised in the Evangelical Born Again Church there were many things that didn't make sense. This raised many questions which lead her to quest for answers in the depth of the Divine. Her greatest joy is to sit in stillness and listen for that still small voice of the Most High. You can contact her at She lives in Santa Fe New Mexico, USA.
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