James Christopher Haney
Dr. Haney majored in Biology and minored in Chemistry at Southern University (B.Sc.; 1981). He was trained at the University of Georgia's Department of Zoology, Institute of Ecology, and at Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (Ph.D.; 1986). As a recent post-graduate, he was research biologist with the Department of Interior's U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc., in Anchorage, Alaska. He was awarded a Pew Marine Policy Fellowship at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution where he focused on international fisheries management, environmental security and risk, and applications of social sciences to marine resource protection (1989-1992). He served on the wildlife faculty, School of Forest Resources, The Pennsylvania State University, from 1992 to 1995. From 1995-2001, Dr. Haney was forest ecologist in the Ecology and Economics Research Department of the Wilderness Society, and for 12 years Chief Scientist at Defenders of Wildlife, both in Washington, DC.
At the invitation of the U.S. Department of State, Dr. Haney worked in the Bering Sea with the Russian Academy of Sciences, Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, and Institute of Nature Protection and Reserves. He was independently selected for the core science review team for the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council, a consortium of three federal and three state agencies monitoring recovery and restoration of marine resources in Alaska. For those services, Dr. Haney received an Outstanding Contributions as a Peer Reviewer Award in 2000, and an Outstanding Service Award in 2002. The U.S. Dept. of State invited Dr. Haney to teach incoming diplomats a short training course on environmental and economic impacts of oil spills at the Washington Energy Seminar in 2010. The same year, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service invited Dr. Haney to lead the largest pelagic study of marine birds ever conducted in the Gulf of Mexico following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. For three years he directed the Nature Conservancy’s prestigious David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program, the nation's first post-doctoral program devoted solely to applied conservation biology. Dr. Haney is Founder and Principal at Terra Mar Applied Sciences, LLC, a firm he launched in 2013 for research carried out in the public interest, including his current work as a co-PI in the Gulf of Mexico Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species.
Dr. Haney's expertise includes marine science, wildlife biology, ecosystem management, and applied conservation policy. His scholarly work has taken him to Mexico, Guatemala, Jamaica, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Bahamas, Lesser Antilles, several countries of southern Africa, and the former Soviet Union. He has authored over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and technical notes, over 150 reports, abstracts, testimony and other public documents, and delivered over 150 seminar, conference, and workshop presentations. His work is featured in, e.g., BioScience, Conservation Biology, Endangered Species Research, Natural History, Ecological Economics, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Limnology and Oceanography, Conservation-in-Practice, Forest Ecology and Management, Marine Biology, Auk, Condor, Marine Policy, Marine Ecology-Progress Series, Natural Areas Journal, Archives of Environmental Toxicology and Contamination, Marine Ornithology, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Science of the Total Environment, and Regional Environmental Change. Current address: Terra Mar Applied Sciences, LLC, 1370 Tewkesbury Place NW, Washington, D.C. 20012 (202) 680-2801; e-mail [email protected] He lives in Washington, DC.
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