William Zybach
William is a partner at Syngineering Solutions. He is a collaborator on the book, Syngineering: Building Agility into [the DNA of] Any Organization and is a certified Organization Design, Holocracy, and Gestalt practitioner. He was on the Organization Design Forum board, and currently is a member of the European Organization Design Forum, the International Organization Development Association, the Agile Alliance and the Digital Socio-Technical Roundtable. After working with Al Gore on reinventing government, he worked in Washington DC during its transformation - creating and redesigning state level organizations using whole system engagment methods. In 2011 he moved to South Africa teach design practice, co-founded the Africa Organization Design Forum, and its successor, Flourish. Currently he is employed in the US financial industry. William teaches public and internal programs on agile organization design and operating models in conjunction with LBL Strategies, George Washington University’s Center for Excellence in Public Leadership (CEPL.), and Caliber Consulting.
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