Bart Édes
Bart Édes is a policy analyst and commentator, and author of Learning From Tomorrow: Using Strategic Foresight to Prepare for the Next Big Disruption (2021, John Hunt Publishing). He focuses on developing Asian economies, international development, innovation, social policies, cross-border trade, and transformative trends reshaping the world. Between 2001 and 2020, he held senior staff positions at the Asian Development Bank (ADB), most recently serving as the lender’s North American Representative. While based in ADB’s Manila headquarters, he oversaw teams responsible for policy, strategy and operational guidance on education, governance, health, inclusive business, IT for development, knowledge management, poverty reduction, social protection and stakeholder consultation. He guided formulation of ADB’s landmark Public Communications Policy, explored the impact of climate change on migration in Asia, launched ADB’s largest community of practice (on social development), and managed partnerships with donors and international organizations.
Between 1994-2000, Édes led communications for an EU-OECD joint initiative (SIGMA) supporting public administration reform in Central and Eastern Europe. From 1987 to1992, he supported US-Canada trade relations and contributed to US government positions and negotiations on foreign direct investment agreements at the US Commerce Department’s International Trade Administration. Before that, he served on the founding teams of a credit union (GUASFCU) and radio station (WGTB) in Washington, DC. Édes has a bachelor’s degree in Government from Georgetown University, and a master’s degree in Public Policy from the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
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